22nd Florida Football Player Arrested Under Urban Meyer

Discussion in 'Sports Board' started by George Krebs, Feb 28, 2009.

  1. Gator Bill

    Gator Bill Well-Known Member Administrator

    Dec 27, 2000
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    Tim, you have zero understanding of Meyer or of Florida.

    You will be waiting a long time for us to go on probation, it isn't going to happen.

    Despite your bitter little petty tirade.

    I might add that if it wasn't for the other classy Notre Dame fans here and I just had to go by your arrogance my opinion of Notre Dame would still be pretty low. But there's a lot of classy Notre Dame fans here who have made me believe different.

    Now go back to your bitter little corner until you gleefully find some other thing that a Florida player does that gets your hopes up about us getting nailed.
  2. Terry O'Keefe

    Terry O'Keefe Well-Known Member Administrator

    Mar 11, 1999
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    I do believe that in some instances that coaches should know better, but many of the players all across the country who do get into to trouble are not necessarily thugs and coaches can't stop college kids from the bad behavior that sometimes happens when kids drink too much

    I harken back to the Willie Wilson situatiion where Larry Coker says he didn't know about all of Willies felony's and stuff..but I don't believe it. I think there are players out there that shouldn't be playing college football, but coaches want to win, fans want to win, administrations want to win, so they hold their noses and the kid is a player at school X.

    Also I think about a young Texas DE from El Paso who was supposedly a good kid, who graduated early from his school and enrolled at Texas early a lot of people thought he'd be a great player. But before he ever played a down he made the aquaintence of a fomer UT player who had been booted from the program but was still friends with a lot of guys on the team and hung around with them. This guy convinced the freshman to come with him when he went to rob a guy and gave him a gun to hold on the guy he was robbing. That kid is done now. I don't think Mack Brown should be held responsible for the kid. It would be tempting to hold Mack for allowing the known bad dude to hang around with the players but it's pretty hard for a coach to tell his players who they can have as friends and who they can't.
  3. Gator Bill

    Gator Bill Well-Known Member Administrator

    Dec 27, 2000
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    Like I said Terry you are a classy fan and reflect well on your schools, both of them.

    I agree with everything your said.

    Also what I have heard is that this thing with Carl Johnson is not likely to amount to much. He got off the bus at a stop where a lot of students get off the bus, it's the center of campus called the hub. The word is it is not likely to amount to much.

    I know that will disappoint Tim but that's tough.

    And I will let you all know as soon as I find out how things turn out whether it is good or bad.
  4. IrishCorey

    IrishCorey Well-Known Member

    Jan 20, 2006
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    Sorry, when you said this:
    it threw me a bit. I read that and took away that he'd been dismissed from the team. That certainly seems to include Carl Johnson. So he is still with the team then?

    I'll just sit this out and wait to see the end result.

    I had known about this story when it broke, but just didn't see the merit in me bringing it up since it would just be summarily dismissed as having a "Gator obsession"... In fact, i see a lot of stuff like this and other issues (including positive ones) that i don't discuss because I dearly try to avoid all things Gator so I don't have to read the 'you're just obsessed with Florida' replies rather than addressing the issue. Someone else can take that heat now.

    That being said, date rape accusations are always dicey.

    He knew about the restraining order and broke it though. That's just not smart. The University of Florida has plenty of women who would appreciate his attention. No need in bothering one that files a restraining order against you.
  5. IrishCorey

    IrishCorey Well-Known Member

    Jan 20, 2006
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    I would like it known that Tim is all class. He's a stand up guy who it would appear doesn't care much for Urban Meyer. Boo hoo. There's a whole lot of people that think Urban Meyer is a prick who lies to kids and plays the 'no holds barred' game in recruiting. That doesn't mean he cheats... although lying is technically against the rules.

    Oddly it is not an NCAA rule, but I do believe that these people (coaches) sign contracts that have ethics clauses in them... it is a reach, and it is a reach no one would be willing to take to terminate their own coach who is having recruiting success, so the issue is a dead one.

    But if you want to talk about classless, petty ND fans then you certainly have to put me at the top of that list. You guys do it whenever I post anything shy of a glowing pro-SEC report.

    However, I've met Tim a few times and I'd vouch for him, his family and his character.

    The guy thinks Meyer is a dick. That's not a crime and he certainly isn't alone. I don't take issue with what Meyer does but that has more to do with my experiences coaching and an understanding of how this all works. It isn't my style, but to each their own...
  6. Motorcity Gator

    Motorcity Gator Well-Known Member

    May 26, 1999
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    I would love to see a verifiable....not hearsay list of factual items that would place Meyer in this classification more deservedly than just about any successful college coach out there deserves to be there.

    It's a competitive.....hard-nosed field and they all have their blemishes with regard to players who don't behave and they all would take a player in a NY minute who would want to decommitt from another school and besides...UF has big...big time players going the other way on this to some other schools every year so really....where does Meyer stand out in all of this an an exception?
  7. Gator Bill

    Gator Bill Well-Known Member Administrator

    Dec 27, 2000
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    Sorry Corey, but all class doesn't come in a topic like this with the kind of comments Tim made about Urban Meyer and the Florida Gators. Not to mention that he's not accurate with much of anything about the thought than being honest enough to hope the Gators get in NCAA trouble.

    Ain't going to happen, and he sounds an awful lot like a jilted suitor.

    And my comments about Tim are pretty mild compared to his comments about Urban Meyer.
  8. Gator Bill

    Gator Bill Well-Known Member Administrator

    Dec 27, 2000
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    You must have missed the part where I said that they both got off a campus bus at a stop where many other students got off. It's called the hub for good reason.

    So if getting off the bus at a busy stop is intentionally violating a restraining order then I guess he's busy. We will see in court in April I guess.
  9. Gator Bill

    Gator Bill Well-Known Member Administrator

    Dec 27, 2000
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    No I don't put you there but I have to tell you that since you seldom ever have anything good about the say about the SEC, and in fact love to go out of your way to find fault with them it's a good thing that isn't how I define classy or non classy.

    I am not going to get into anything with you over Tim who may well be a good guy. And he can surely think Meyer is a dick if he wants, however to express it like he did and expect that other folks who don't agree will just listen to him without responding is expecting a bit much.

    When you get around to one of those good reports you make on the SEC and/or the Gators make sure and give me advance notice so I won't die of a heart attack. :)
  10. Motorcity Gator

    Motorcity Gator Well-Known Member

    May 26, 1999
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    So...whoever arrested Johnson has thrown in the Student Hub as an area he should be restrained from? Does anyone involved in the arrest have a brain that allows for some rational thought?
  11. Terry O'Keefe

    Terry O'Keefe Well-Known Member Administrator

    Mar 11, 1999
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    So you don't think he could have followed her there, stalking her with the intent of intimidating her?
  12. Gator Bill

    Gator Bill Well-Known Member Administrator

    Dec 27, 2000
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    Terry, from what I have read the answer is probably no.

    Time will tell and if Johnson that was what he was doing he will probably be history. However getting off a bus at the Hub on the University of Florida campus doesn't lend it's self very readily to stalking and intimidating anyone.

    50,000 students and at some point in time all of them will be at the hub. Fortunately not all at the same time.

    Listen I am not saying he is or is not guilty, I'm passing on the things I have heard. Remember that what the lady said when getting her restraining order is her side of the story and there has been no trial of any type.

    I have found that frequently there are at least two sides to the story. That may not sit well with those that want to condemn Meyer, the University of Florida or any football player associated with the Gators but that's the way I have usually found things.

    Also Meyer has been pretty fast to sever relations with players who disrespect women and Johnson is still a Gator.

    I think it only makes sense to see how it plays out and like I said I'll come back when I know the story and tell what I know good or bad.
  13. IrishCorey

    IrishCorey Well-Known Member

    Jan 20, 2006
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    As you may, or may not, remember.. I had a friend whose entire life was destroyed in college by a 'buyers remorse' date rape charge. When the facts came out, he was cleared but he life (to this day) is still damaged by it. I am more than patient when it comes to things like this in terms of letting all the facts get hashed out. All I was saying is that, in a country of politically correct 'there outta be a law' type of jackasses, if a girl files a restraining order against me... that I make priority #1 of each and every day to avoid her ass... even if that means I have to redraw my transportation routes to school each day. I avoid that chick at all costs. All I was saying is that he wasn't careful enough.. He needs to be more careful until this legal situation gets hashed out.

    My current employer heads up nonprofits for father's rights and single fathers nationwide. Its all political all the time. We don't have enough available bandwidth here to cover all the horror stories I could share with you about good guys getting the long shaft of the law without anyone taking a critical analysis of the situation. Someone at UF (giving him the benefit of the doubt here) needs to sit him down and explain that... in this F'ed up world we live in...fair or unfair, he needs to take extra steps to protect himself because she is going to get the benefit of the doubt until this is all hashed out in court.
  14. Gator Bill

    Gator Bill Well-Known Member Administrator

    Dec 27, 2000
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    Thanks Corey, and that is so much more the reason when something like this is printed people need to put some thought into the situation and not take it as an opportunity to bash a person, a school or a coach.

    Like I said I'll let you all know whenever I find anything out.
  15. IrishCorey

    IrishCorey Well-Known Member

    Jan 20, 2006
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    That being said... I'm going to post some more USC=gay jokes
  16. Tim Gentry

    Tim Gentry Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 1999
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    <r>Gator Bill,<br/>


    This is what really gets me...if you knew anything about me at all you would know that I NEVER wanted Mr. Meyer as HC at ND! I never wished him any harm and at that time like any other former ND position coach, I hoped he did well wherever he went, but there were plenty of other coaches I would have rather had than him at ND at the time. So to insinuate that I feel "jilted" is an absolute farce. It wasn't until after he went to Florida that things really started to change on my personal opinion of him.<br/>
    As for you personal comments or opinion of me...you are probably correct to some extent. I probably do come off as arrogant about ND to those who don't know me. I also probably shouldn't be commenting on posts/messages that are clearly meant for Florida or other team fans. <br/>
    I came to this board after the old Prodigy Notre Dame BB went under and I simply wanted to keep in touch with some of the friends I had made on over there. Some of those have long since left and maybe its time for me to move on too.</r>
  17. Gator Bill

    Gator Bill Well-Known Member Administrator

    Dec 27, 2000
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    Tim, I try to be respectful of everyone here on Skybox. There are things I might not like about your coach but I choose to respect my friends here and not to inflame them.

    Not liking Meyer is one thing, wishing bad on him and the Gator program is another. It's an area I wouldn't touch as far as wishing Notre Dame to go on probation.

    And I don't understand people that wish things like that on friends or other posters here.

    I don't want you to move on but I will guarantee you one thing, when you put things as strong wishing ill on my team I will react. And yes I do not have a lot of respect for people that don't give me and mine respect.

    Don't leave here on my account as you have Notre Dame friends here I wouldn't wish to deprive you or them of keeping up with one another. I don't feel any real reason to post back and forth with you and you obviously do not respect the program I love so much. Simple way to avoid that is not to attack someone's program, especially when you don't have a clue as to what they are about.
  18. IrishCorey

    IrishCorey Well-Known Member

    Jan 20, 2006
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    the truth only hurts for a little bit. Urban Meyer is a dick and Charlie has mantits. See, that wasn't hard now was it?



    Don't you go anywhere!
  19. Terry O'Keefe

    Terry O'Keefe Well-Known Member Administrator

    Mar 11, 1999
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    Just stick to the ND topics and we'll be fine, you're BP will be better as well!! :)

  20. Motorcity Gator

    Motorcity Gator Well-Known Member

    May 26, 1999
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    Urban is a lot more about family, hard work, loyalty, playing by the rules and yes...winning...than he is about being a "dick".

    If those qualities make him a fit for your description then us Gator fans will take it.