Bob, It's not very sporting of you to build an insurmountable lead. Could you take a week off to make it a little more interesting???
I'm trying to make a move... I think I've got 6 upsets picked... I'll either emerge in glory, or bury it deep in a crater. AJ... I'm going with your boys to finally get one!
I can not believe that we had four people with a perfect score in yesterdays picks. Bear Down Rick, Big Orange Mess, Sandspur and Asleep at the Wheel with eight points. Congratulations!
Bobda is pretty much assured of winning the contest after 13 weeks, Big Orange Mess wins this week 13 with 19 correct picks. Congratulations Tom.
I was set for a clean sweep Friday until I switched my pick to Kansas State after someone on this board posted some disinformation about the Longhorns starting a walk on QB due to injuries. TOK is doing some bottom of the deck dealing as we hit the finish line.
It's not suffering when the callouses cover the nerve endings. In the Corps we call it being acclimated.
11 games on tap for week #14 with two Friday games. Picks are available. I do not see too many upsets in the final week?