Now have 23 signed up. Two still missing in action from last year: Lady Vol <del>LoneStarIrish</del> Tim Gentry <del>This Thing of Ours</del> <del>Bryanspicks</del> <del>Geek Tragedy (WSU)</del> <del>Fitz</del>
Don't be fooled George... She sees tail lights now... for a little while before they disappear over the horizon. ;-) I keep reminding her but frankly, she may not be back. She has fun on facebook with our car club adopted family and has little desire for stress. She gets enough of that at work and me beating her on the drag strip. 8) I hope she changes her mind.
What stress in our contest? She beats you on a regular basis. Just kidding, I hope she comes back. I seem to manage to miss a week several years and hope I can keep from doing that this year.
She enjoyed the contest and I think she still will. The stress is why she quit coming around in the first place and you know what that was.
I would hope that wouldn't be an issue for the contest Tom. Tell her we are all asking about her and want her to come and trounce us again.
:lol: Tom please tell Cindy I need her in this so she can beat the pants off you guys. I will as always bring up the rear.
Would you mind making mine for me, Don. Or I can get a blindfolded chimp and a dartboard...... I am lousy at this format. :?
No idea why but it appears the default setting is to use the spread. I did not see this when setting up the group. I have changed it back to NOT use spread. For those of you that have made your picks, or just looked in on what picks were available this week, you saw a column that showed the spread as it was on Wed, Thur, Fri, and Set. That is what clued me in that there was an issue. If you have made your picks thinking you were going against the spread, please revisit. If you made your picks not realizing the spread was in play, you should not have to make any changes unless you have a change in thought process.
Worked fine but if I had left the settings as they were last night, your picks would have had the spread calculated into them. A simple win by the favored team would not have been enough. You would have to beat the spread.
I made my picks early on and I can not detect any difference after checking again a little while ago.