Looks like FLBucks is on a EXTENDED hunting trip or he has given up after missing a week. Bo's no Dr. Tom may also join the "missing a week" gang if his picks are not in soon. If FLBucks has dropped, the first award is secured for this year. :wink:
How can we let this happen? Lady Vol wins week 7 by 4 points over a three way tie for second place (This thing of ours, I Gotta football Jones, & mrsjoco). If Arizona had a kicker, that wouldn't have happened! :wink: Overall: Down -- PL --- TP -- Top 10 -- Team name 00 ---- 01 --- 1045 --- 6 --- Gip 23 ---- 02 --- 1022 --- 5 --- Cheesecurdwolvie 25 ---- 03 --- 1020 --- 5 --- John Deere 36 ---- 04 --- 1009 --- 5 --- Lady Vol 38 ---- 05 --- 1007 --- 6 --- I gotta Football Jones 42 ---- 06 --- 1003 --- 5 --- Bear Down Rick 59 ---- 07 ---- 986 --- 4 --- Stu's Cat 72 ---- 08 ---- 973 --- 3 --- Irishboy 75 ---- 09 ---- 970 --- 2 --- newalbanybuckeye 75 ---- 10 ---- 970 --- 2 --- NC Gator 84 ---- 11 ---- 961 --- 1 --- Bama Bo 86 ---- 12 ---- 959 --- 4 --- This thing of ours 88 ---- 13 ---- 957 --- 1 --- Treefrog 92 ---- 14 ---- 953 --- 2 --- Boondock Muskies 98 ---- 15 ---- 947 --- 2 --- mrsjoco 107 -- 16 ---- 938 --- 2 --- JO'Co 114 -- 17 ---- 931 --- 1 --- Foxchase 115 -- 18 ---- 930 --- 3 --- SabanDrinksTearsOfChildren 120 -- 19 ---- 925 --- 3 --- Bryanspicks 130 -- 20 ---- 915 --- 0 --- Scotty 141 -- 21 ---- 904 --- 0 --- LoneStarIrish 143 -- 22 ---- 902 --- 1 --- RoGator 149 -- 23 ---- 896 --- 2 --- Bo's no Dr Tom 149 -- 24 ---- 896 --- 2 --- Fitz 161 -- 25 ---- 884 --- 1 --- Laliari 201 -- 26 ---- 844 --- 1 --- KP 413 -- 27 ---- 632 --- 1 --- FLbucks
Hey, funny how the 3 most recently retired guys are 1-2-3 in this thing....how about getting a hobby guys? Take the wife on a cruise?
@Tom Hey, now. Arizona does have a kicker (you see that onsides kick?); we're just lacking on special teams line play.
Week 8 Finds the Bama brothers, KP and Brian's picks tied for 1st place . This was not enough to move KP up but it did move Brian's picks up 4 spots from 19th to 15th overall. Gip and Cheesecurdwolvie maintain the 1st and 2nd overall. Down -- PL --- TP -- Top 10 -- Team name 00 ---- 01 --- 1162 --- 7 --- Gip 31 ---- 02 --- 1131 --- 6 --- Cheesecurdwolvie 34 ---- 03 --- 1128 --- 6 --- Lady Vol 42 ---- 04 --- 1120 --- 6 --- Bear Down Rick 45 ---- 05 --- 1117 --- 5 --- John Deere 49 ---- 06 --- 1113 --- 6 --- I gotta Football Jones 86 ---- 07 ---- 1076 --- 2 --- Bama Bo 88 ---- 08 ---- 1074 --- 4 --- Stu's Cat 93 ---- 09 ---- 1069 --- 2 --- newalbanybuckeye 95 ---- 10 ---- 1067 --- 3 --- Irishboy 99 ---- 11 ---- 1063 --- 1 --- Treefrog 102 -- 12 ---- 1060 --- 3 --- Boondock Muskies 110 -- 13 ---- 1052 --- 4 --- This thing of ours 112 -- 14 ---- 1050 --- 2 --- NC Gator 115 -- 15 ---- 1047 --- 4 --- Bryanspicks 118 -- 16 ---- 1044 --- 2 --- mrsjoco 119 -- 17 ---- 1043 --- 2 --- JO'Co 123 -- 18 ---- 1039 --- 2 --- Foxchase 125 -- 19 ---- 1037 --- 4 --- SabanDrinksTearsOfChildren 150 -- 20 ---- 1012 --- 0 --- Scotty 153 -- 21 ---- 1009 --- 0 --- LoneStarIrish 175 -- 22 ---- 987 --- 2 --- Fitz 175 -- 23 ---- 987 --- 2 --- Bo's no Dr Tom 179 -- 24 ---- 983 --- 1 --- Laliari 181 -- 25 ---- 981 --- 1 --- RoGator 196 -- 26 ---- 966 --- 2 --- KP 530 -- 27 ---- 632 --- 1 --- FLbucks
My best ever! Only 5 points from perfect and only one point out of first place. Excuse me while I celebrate.
I only missed 3 games this week...but everybody else either assigned points better or missed fewer games...but I did beat kp by a point! I guess this was an easy week since everybody hardly missed a game. It was all about how you assigned the points.
NC Gator wins week 9 by one point over Bo's No Dr. Tom. Gip finishes 15th but still holds a 25 point lead over 2nd place. Down -- PL --- TP -- Top 10 -- Team name 00 ---- 01 --- 1333 --- 7 --- Gip 25 ---- 02 --- 1308 --- 7 --- Cheesecurdwolvie 41 ---- 03 --- 1292 --- 6 --- Lady Vol 42 ---- 04 --- 1291 --- 5 --- John Deere 45 ---- 05 --- 1288 --- 6 --- Bear Down Rick 53 ---- 06 --- 1280 --- 6 --- I gotta Football Jones 79 ---- 07 ---- 1254 --- 3 --- Bama Bo 81 ---- 08 ---- 1252 --- 4 --- Irishboy 89 ---- 09 ---- 1244 --- 4 --- Stu's Cat 96 ---- 10 ---- 1237 --- 4 --- Boondock Muskies 97 ---- 11 ---- 1236 --- 3 --- NC Gator 98 ---- 12 ---- 1235 --- 1 --- Treefrog 103 -- 13 ---- 1230 --- 2 --- newalbanybuckeye 106 -- 14 ---- 1227 --- 5 --- This thing of ours 110 -- 15 ---- 1223 --- 3 --- mrsjoco 117 -- 16 ---- 1216 --- 2 --- JO'Co 122 -- 17 ---- 1211 --- 2 --- Foxchase 126 -- 18 ---- 1207 --- 4 --- SabanDrinksTearsOfChildren 139 -- 19 ---- 1194 --- 4 --- Bryanspicks 144 -- 20 ---- 1189 --- 1 --- Scotty 156 -- 21 ---- 1177 --- 0 --- LoneStarIrish 161 -- 22 ---- 1172 --- 3 --- Bo's no Dr Tom 162 -- 23 ---- 1171 --- 3 --- Fitz 181 -- 24 ---- 1152 --- 1 --- RoGator 200 -- 25 ---- 1133 --- 2 --- KP 350 -- 26 ----- 983 --- 1 --- Laliari 701 -- 27 ----- 632 --- 1 --- FLbucks