I will not be around tomorrow after the games start. Cindy and I spent the day out at the Formula 1 track in Austin today and are going back tomorrow. May not be home until most of the games are over.
Tom, You guys are so generous with your time. You guys just go have fun and do your thing. We'll still be here doing the same old stupid **** we always do on the weekends. I got a couple 4 packs of Boddington's. My kid is asleep and the Irish are off this week. There's going to be fires. That's just the reality. We promise to keep the burners on low though. Have a great time and we expect a full report.
Yesterday was very exhausting... so much so, within 10 minutes (Cindy says less) after hitting my recliner, I was out like a light for about 2 hours (Cindy says longer). I must keep doing things like this to build my endurance back up.
Glad to hear you're having a blast Tom! My bracket is on fire already and the pizzas aren't even here yet.
John Deere moving up the charts with a win in week 4 by 2 points over Bear Down Rick. The younger Ryckman has seen 15th, 7th, 4th, and now 1st place finishes in that order. However, Gip still leads the overall with his 5th place finish this week by 17 points over the now second place John Deere. Down -- PL --- TP -- Top 10 -- Team name 00 ---- 01 ---- 693 --- 4 --- Gip 17 ---- 02 ---- 676 --- 3 --- John Deere 26 ---- 03 ---- 667 --- 4 --- Cheesecurdwolvie 26 ---- 04 ---- 667 --- 4 --- I gotta Football Jones 27 ---- 05 ---- 666 --- 3 --- Lady Vol 28 ---- 06 ---- 665 --- 4 --- Bear Down Rick 37 ---- 07 ---- 656 --- 2 --- Stu's Cat 50 ---- 08 ---- 643 --- 2 --- Irishboy 55 ---- 09 ---- 638 --- 1 --- newalbanybuckeye 61 ---- 10 ---- 632 --- 1 --- FLbucks 61 ---- 11 ---- 632 --- 1 --- NC Gator 64 ---- 12 ---- 629 --- 1 --- Bama Bo 67 ---- 13 ---- 626 --- 0 --- Treefrog 69 ---- 14 ---- 624 --- 1 --- Boondock Muskies 73 ---- 15 ---- 620 --- 1 --- JO'Co 78 ---- 16 ---- 615 --- 2 --- SabanDrinksTearsOfChildren 79 ---- 17 ---- 614 --- 0 --- LoneStarIrish 84 ---- 18 ---- 609 --- 2 --- Fitz 86 ---- 19 ---- 607 --- 1 --- mrsjoco 93 ---- 20 ---- 600 --- 1 --- This thing of ours 96 ---- 21 ---- 597 --- 0 --- Scotty 97 ---- 22 ---- 596 --- 0 --- Foxchase 99 ---- 23 ---- 594 --- 1 --- Bo's no Dr Tom 109 ---- 24 ---- 584 --- 1 --- Bryanspicks 110 ---- 25 ---- 583 --- 0 --- RoGator 111 ---- 26 ---- 582 --- 0 --- Laliari 142 ---- 27 ---- 551 --- 0 --- KP
In case some of you have not seen, there are 15 weeks in this years contest. Last year, they sprung the 15th week on us at the last minute after we had already crowned a winner. Not an issue this year.
Week 5 has one Ryckman at the top of the chart and one at the bottom. John Deere wins week 5 by 3 points over second place This Thing of Ours while FLBucks turns in the first now show of the contest deopping him from 10th place overall to last place. Gip still holds on to 1st place overall but only 12 points separate him from second place John Deere. Down -- PL --- TP -- Top 10 -- Team name 00 ---- 01 ---- 825 --- 5 --- Gip 12 ---- 02 ---- 813 --- 4 --- John Deere 31 ---- 03 ---- 794 --- 4 --- Lady Vol 31 ---- 04 ---- 794 --- 5 --- I gotta Football Jones 34 ---- 05 ---- 791 --- 4 --- Cheesecurdwolvie 36 ---- 06 ---- 789 --- 4 --- Bear Down Rick 42 ---- 07 ---- 783 --- 3 --- Stu's Cat 61 ---- 08 ---- 764 --- 1 --- newalbanybuckeye 63 ---- 09 ---- 762 --- 2 --- NC Gator 63 ---- 10 ---- 762 --- 2 --- Irishboy 72 ---- 11 ---- 753 --- 2 --- Boondock Muskies 73 ---- 12 ---- 752 --- 1 --- Bama Bo 82 ---- 13 ---- 743 --- 0 --- Treefrog 84 ---- 14 ---- 741 --- 3 --- SabanDrinksTearsOfChildren 85 ---- 15 ---- 740 --- 1 --- JO'Co 87 ---- 16 ---- 738 --- 0 --- LoneStarIrish 91 ---- 17 ---- 734 --- 2 --- This thing of ours 98 ---- 18 ---- 727 --- 2 --- Bo's no Dr Tom 101 -- 19 ---- 724 --- 1 --- mrsjoco 102 -- 20 ---- 723 --- 2 --- Fitz 107 -- 21 ---- 718 --- 0 --- Foxchase 110 -- 22 ---- 715 --- 0 --- Scotty 121 -- 23 ---- 704 --- 1 --- Bryanspicks 123 -- 24 ---- 702 --- 0 --- RoGator 125 -- 25 ---- 700 --- 0 --- Laliari 174 -- 26 ---- 651 --- 0 --- KP 193 -- 27 ---- 632 --- 1 --- FLbucks Edited: Missed a tie breaker between Sid and Bill... Above chart corrected.
I am the extra wide belt holding up the waistline that allows you guys to eat and drink whatever you want. you're welcome.
FlBucks was deer hunting (bow hunting) in SC and I couldn't reach him to get his picks. On the positive side, both he and his wife bagged a buck...her first one ever. https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd...._=1418327431_67596ef0d1dbe47dae9cfefc8b1215f5
Excellent... Not often that you find a wife enjoying the same outdoor activities as the husband. I found the right one just as he did!
Stu, Oh man you burst my bubble. You mean the only reason I moved up was because he didn't even play. Oh the humility! :cry:
Cheesecurdwolvie wins week 6 by 10 points over Bear Down Rick to take over 2nd place overall. Everyone's tally sheet was smeared with blood this week. Gip holds on to 1st place overall. Down -- PL --- TP -- Top 10 -- Team name 00 ---- 01 ---- 918 --- 5 --- Gip 13 ---- 02 ---- 905 --- 5 --- Cheesecurdwolvie 25 ---- 03 ---- 893 --- 5 --- Bear Down Rick 26 ---- 04 ---- 892 --- 4 --- John Deere 40 ---- 05 ---- 878 --- 5 --- I gotta Football Jones 42 ---- 06 ---- 876 --- 4 --- Lady Vol 57 ---- 07 ---- 861 --- 3 --- Stu's Cat 59 ---- 08 ---- 859 --- 3 --- Irishboy 66 ---- 09 ---- 852 --- 2 --- NC Gator 73 ---- 10 ---- 845 --- 1 --- newalbanybuckeye 74 ---- 11 ---- 844 --- 2 --- JO'Co 74 ---- 12 ---- 844 --- 1 --- Treefrog 79 ---- 13 ---- 839 --- 1 --- Bama Bo 81 ---- 14 ---- 837 --- 2 --- Boondock Muskies 88 ---- 15 ---- 830 --- 3 --- This thing of ours 89 ---- 16 ---- 829 --- 3 --- SabanDrinksTearsOfChildren 100 -- 17 ---- 818 --- 1 --- mrsjoco 108 -- 18 ---- 810 --- 2 --- Fitz 108 -- 19 ---- 810 --- 0 --- LoneStarIrish 112 -- 20 ---- 806 --- 0 --- Foxchase 116 -- 21 ---- 802 --- 2 --- Bryanspicks 117 -- 22 ---- 801 --- 0 --- Scotty 120 -- 23 ---- 798 --- 1 --- Laliari 122 -- 24 ---- 796 --- 1 --- RoGator 122 -- 25 ---- 796 --- 2 --- Bo's no Dr Tom 168 -- 26 ---- 750 --- 1 --- KP 286 -- 27 ---- 632 --- 1 --- FLbucks