So... what the hell is going on with this tournament? Michigan dumped by Air Force? Both UMD and New Hampshire pulled off miracle wins in the...
time to change the signature? It's all over the Bama media that it is a done deal.. This is causing problems because Bama's leading candidate is...
The family members of your executives are not safe. Your blood will run through the streets in the coming months. *shakes head*
Here is one way to try to pay your credit card bill... [img]
and the enemy, is you I wonder if one of these families gets murdered, what cries shall the 'there outta be a law' posse have then? I've...
I know we have a Tourney thread going, but I wanted to give the SEC their own due. What did they get?? Three teams?!?!? I believe the MWC was...
CNN reporting that they are giving the money back.. Those who were in the most dire need and can't pay back now, state they will pay it back...
If you read the graphic novel, which judging by the age groups here most wouldn't... It's fantastic. If you haven't read will still...
You gotta be shitting me. It has been 8 years since we've seen this nonsense. Say what you want about "W" but the escalation in aggression in the...
I don't know how many of you are watching this, but did anyone see Holland upset the Dominican Republican? Jeeez, that was funny.
What the F***? An Army of O That sh*t is just gay.... not that there's anything wrong with it
OK so these are dark times and dark times usually produce decent satire in this country..... Some of this might be too 'tech' related, but others...
Someone...announcer, host, producer...someone at MSNBC saying "Oh God" in a real scoffing tone as La Republican Governor Jindal walked up to give...
and granted this is a Backroom item but I'm leaving it here till someone moves it... so I can get the message out to the masses. My place caught...
A lot was made over the GOP's alleged ties to places like Goldman Sachs, Citi and other banking institutions this past election cycle. To...
the odds on favorite seems to be the guy from UAB... Thoughts KP?
didn't see this covered, but I thought I'd share my celebration anyway.
Holy f*ck. We're screwed. I missed House for this ****?!?! At least we got a solid opinion on his stance regarding A-Rod and steroids.... (and...
Dave, Contrary to what you may believe, I am quite concerned for the plight of states and areas such as yours that are so dependent on a single...
I can't believe we aren't talking about this here.... I jacked the raw footage URL for FoxNews for you guys but it appears to be over before...
Separate names with a comma.