Thanks for looking that up, Tom. It looks like it would be a lot of fun. Just need to convinve my sister that that's what we should do. That...
Well, isn't this a good one to have pop back on top! :D I used that same pick'em method on the bowls this year and I was right at the bottom of...
If my dogs are out on the water while I'm gone they'd better be wearing concrete shoes .... :wink: .
AJ, I got into other things and didn't check back until this morning. So I wasn't even sure if anyone had replied at all. I'm checking regularly...
Now what are the odds that I finally post a topic on the day the BB format is changed?! I actually worked through the afternoon and didn't check...
Hey did one of you guys write this? Davie replaced Holtz, but has yet to have his success A lot of it sure looks like what I read here. My...
Holy kajeebers! I finally found the secret! Instead of wasting all that time researching and stressing like last year, I did away with logic and...
That's funny, I just saw something on Soward in a column in the Gainesville Sun . . . ---------------------------------------- Just when we need...
I thought I saw on CNN this weekend that the news ticker on the screen was referring to "Operation Golden Eagle". Was that something they made up...
The Cubs lost a 6 day home stand with the cellar-dwellers of their division. Some good play there might have moved them back up in the race, as...
Separate names with a comma.