Respectfully, Terry, you know that I've been harping in this for a long time. A more accurate way to express the above statement would be, ....the...
Painful to watch. Like a team playing in slow motion. I was optimistic before the season, with the returning veterans and highly talented...
Thanks, Don. Great job.
Not by me. A close friend's daughter swam for Georgia a number of years ago, and they hired Tom Crean when he left IU. For those reasons, I like GA.
Great interview. Thanks, Terry. I like this line: "I have eight holes in one and seven of those were after I got fired." I love his perspective on...
I'm in shock! Never thought I'd see the day. It took playing against Brian Kelly to make it happen. I understand. :D
The most important words for me after his heart stopped and had to be restarted. Unfortunately, too often when this happens the patient's brain...
Heckuva game. Purdue is a young team. They hung tough against a very tight defensive effort by Ohio State. Great play by the Purdue freshman point...
Full disclosure. I cry easily. This one really got to me. Thanks, Terry.
I'm impressed with Ohio State, especially Sensabaugh, who is something of a man among boys.
I would love to see him start and see Buchner as backup. That's quality depth.
That rare condition has gotten a lot of coverage here in Indy and elsewhere. Scary.
Thanks. Kudos to Tim O'Malley.
Terry, that's a phenomenal analysis. I knew he was playing an excellent game, except for the two plays you mentioned, but I had no idea he was so...
According to the crawler on ESPN both parties characterized the meeting as “not” an interview. Just sayin.
Terry, I'll echo your Ha! I must ask what they think will change between this season and next that has USC 2 places behind ND vs. 2 places in...
Kyle, first of all, we don't know if there was contact or, if so, who initiated the contact. The key words in what I read - not the actual rule -...
Trying to learn more about how the Transfer Portal works, I googled it. I learned a couple of things I didn't know: 1) While it's not permissible...
My takeaway is that when the big uglies are able to assert their collective will late in the 4th quarter, it's a clear sign that we are a very...
Terry, I was amazed. I consider them the "Odd Couple of Rock n Roll". :D
Separate names with a comma.