Two pro-life protesters were arrested for defacing public property with chalk because their permit they had acquired "didn't give them the right...
Another episode on CNN about Hydroxychloroquine: [MEDIA] The chyron writers were in rare, TDS form in this one. The Left consistently says...
Ugh. There isn't much more needed for my Fall Saturdays to free up. The NBA and NFL have already lost me.
According to Vernon Jones (a Democrat), the mental state of police officers is only evaluated when they are applying to the force. He suggests...
George, having the ability to call the police is white privilege! How dare the home owners take issue with those kids destroying the AirBnB rental!
Exactly how is Twitter's policy of blocking "harmful disinformation" even possible? When the CDC and WHO advise differently, does Twitter then...
When the Left "news" sources refuse to air anything in opposition to the tripe they are serving, including body cam footage proving the lie, it...
Very good article Stu. He must have read my post from 7/22 for this 7/23 article!
Gregg Jarrett: Christopher Steele's secret source for anti-Trump dossier is finally exposed Yes, this is from Fox News, one of many sources of...
Scott, I indicated my frustration with the lack of comprehensive and reliable data in another post. From the publicly-available data, it is...
A discussion and theory on T-cell production/protection as it pertains to SARS-COV-2: The people with hidden immunity against Covid-19
Applause to CNN's Jake Tapper for recognizing the endemic bias, even if it wasn't called out directly:...
Fact checks are free of political bias, right? Although updated INCONCLUSIVE (???) USAToday originally provided a "Fact Check" of TRUE. Fact...
This was posted on the Smithsonian Institute National Museum of African American History & Culture website, and has since been remove due to...
Not anymore, T, COPS has been cancelled.
From the NYT: Supreme Court Rules Trump Cannot Block Release of Financial Records This paragraph is very disconcerting to me: With my...
From 4/24, one example of many from the Left Media twisting Trump's usage of "disinfectant" making it sound like he was talking about injecting...
City of Seattle Hosted Training Session for White Staffers on 'Undoing Whiteness'
An interesting read: As COVID-19 Cases Surge, Daily Deaths and the Case Fatality Rate Continue To Fall
Separate names with a comma.