I've been on the #44 train since he signed on with ND....One more week! All Aboard!!!!!
They already put Carlo on this years green ND shirt...#44!!!
I am only 32 but I remember the LL rule was that you were not allowed to throw curve balls until the all-star tournament started. Curve balls...
If we have same amount of teams as last year I think we should stay the same in conferences. If we are adding anymore teams I think we need to add...
I'm in...Thanks!
Tom ha we both had our B list drivers on bench and came in 10th and 11th. I switched my C driver and he came in top 15. What a great job I did for...
[img] Busted for PED...Shocker!
Why did people think he had a great arm? Against ND he threw jump balls and ND's secondary couldn't compete with LSU WR's height. Just glad the...
How many times did each guy here watch Terry's new profile flick? Ha was hoping the next time it would be unzipped completely.
Wow...Money ruins a lot of things!
Terry, After Te'o...Start chanting Carlos, Carlos, Carlos....Well I hope so. With his speed and strength I hope he gets a chance this year at LB....
My buddy does a pool each year, last year was 150 entries into the pool. It's done on yahoo. If interested, just message me and will get you the...
Ha, I noticed had the wrong busch, I thought i had the miller lite car guy...
Ha maybe I am doing this completely wrong. For A list I had Jimmy johnson two prior races and yesterday had kurt busch....??? Do I have wrong...
I had the winner last three races and still in the basement..... Busch wins and only get 5_ something pts and earnhardt got 72 for 15th place...?
I'll enter if they are allowed to make a right turn! Ha, I was in one before so I would try again, is it a draft or one where everyone selects...
I wonder if some serious sanctions are coming down? Or this story is just made up. I just don't get why you would want to leave a place like USC...
Anyone else have trouble making their picks? First it wouldn't allow me to pick a team because the team pop-ups stayed in the way. I switched to...
Fresno can't score from the one 3 times???
http://nbcsports.msnbc.com/id/34133212/ns/sports-college_football/ So we'll have to wait for players to talk after the banquet
Separate names with a comma.