Damn NYT...damn L.A. Times...damn WAsh. Post.....and DAMN Wall Street Journal!!! :twisted:
:D Well , first Moses(Charlton) now "Nuns with Guns" That cinche's it for me, God is for private ownership of guns!....... Weren't they a...
:o MCG perhaps you forgot the "golden rule" of the "Great Communacator" :wink:
:twisted: I blaim Rove! He was asleep at the switch! Can you imagine the "photo-op" of W landing in a chopper at the super dome dressed in jeans...
there is a little tome out called "sword of the prophet"...... it should be required reading for all branchs of the govt. It is a real...
:D some how I'm reminded of that old joke....."if Moses would have only turned left instead of right"
Should English be the official language of the U.S.? Seems like a lot of the "DC boys" are doing a ...ahem...."Texas two-step" around the subject...
:) "Dr. Tooth"...ya just got yerself a "Twofer".....nice pup by the way 8)
:wink: If I translated Bobda right he said " I would've replied but my prostate is the size of a football"
I find it interesting that Macaferty(sp) was one of those old generals that was told to butt-out when all this first started. I personally like...
KUDO'S to Dick Lamm! :!:
It was in Iran!!! mere typo by jack I'm sure.
:) OK! consider yourself "smeared".....but I get 10% 8)
:twisted: "I'm shocked to find there is gambling going on .....er ...make that no mention of the FTC investigations into certain drug companies...
8) Just got back from work and Candy informed me that we set a new record today. 5 crank phone calls in spainish. This has been on-going for the...
Being a "country bumpkin" I only have 3 comments: 1)" It's the market Dummies"! and it ain't gonna stop till it hits the wall. 2) That Jabba the...
:twisted: COMMING SOON TO A THEATRE NEAR YOU....."A DAY WITHOUT GRINGOS" See day workers wonder why there is no Western Union to wire money...
8) I think they are our largest trade partner, at least they were the last time I looked (they may have been replaced by the Chi-Coms") Surely...
:twisted: " OHHHH, I wish I was in the land of Atzlan...there old times are not forgotten....look-a-way ...look-a-way ....look-a-way Aztlan land"
Separate names with a comma.