Hey Gator....Gipper loaned me his box seats to the Windsor Ballet....once upon a time 8)
BT looking forward to seeing you again my friend! Don I also like our chances at The Shoe (but then I always do) Doc Tooth do you remember that...
PAGING MR GONZO.....PAGING MR GONZO....... MR GONZO it's time to set up some woofin and ofcourse the "We was robbed chorus" BT 19C here.....what...
Hey George.....screw the Dems and Reps......whose'bout dem & <r><E>:lol:</E></r>
after reading that post George I'd say <r>you were good for 40,000 miles <E>:wink:</E></r>
T.O. I work for the N/S R.R. also the Penn Central, and ConRail. The "Big C" is in charge of the train. "I don't get to wave the kiddies...
sid or gip my ticket lady Mary said she might be able to get me two for usc, I have a retirement party to go to that day so I wonder if any of you...
BT....Josh and I will be in our usual haunt...19C... <t>Stu I believe is Fla bound. Say if you ain't locked up friday night I have reservations...
Bobda: :lol: Hey an idea just struck me....when I get all my money from the emeralds that myself and the late king of Nigeria's grandson and...
you bet your sweet a55 the next one is on you! :lol: With the removal of "the Gate" maybe I'll be able to make it across Lane to the corner. What...
Pssssssst Bobda.....Have I got a deal for you. I'm willing to let you in on the ground floor of this condo scheme....er I mean investment I've got...
BT, Josh and I will be there. Probably the only game in C-bus I make this year. Corey I think it could be very interesting if Pete goes with...
George it just so happens I know the individual in that picture. He holds a doctorete in math from MIT and a Masters from the Wharton School of...
all of a sudden it came through.....but where the hell is Stash? By the way Jeffers would have loved that one. Tod didn't appreciate the finer...
hey why is it when stu post a picture all I get is a mess of gibberish?
unless they start a color code on the flu I ain't worried. Now if my "pinstripes" or bucks get hit with it that my friends is a conspiracy!
ta hell with the cars.....I wonder about AIG.
Hey TT does that texas law apply to long guns also? Ofcourse I'm referring to if they are in a wrap or case.
Damn Terry! You do have a good memory. I'd forgotten that one about how his PSU jacket got ripped while in the Linebacker. Het TT in your closing...
Terry...funny you should mention the "drink off" post cause that was the first thing that entered my mind when I read the ob. Here I was quite...
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