Tom.... <t>I watched the game till it became a blowout then the wife armed me out the door to buy a new car. Not Government Motors for sure.<br/>...
George.... <t>Has Al Gore been see lately, just asking...............................</t>
My... <t>Aggie son in law was livid about losing the Nelson kid to OU. Guy is a stud.<br/> USC continues to amaze me.</t>
Tim.... <t>Agree and I will be real surprised if they don't have an exceptional class this time next year but what wound me up was watching the...
Terry.... <t>I sure it Bush's fault............ Just ask Nobama.</t>
At... <t>This point I look at BK and his track record with assessing QBS. Lets see how it plays out as the guy knows what he is doing. I didn't...
And.... <t>They have done so well in the last year............... Sickening.</t>
Well.... <t>Add the young freshman from Dallas that plays for Nebraska to the mix. He did very well for them as a freshman and looks to be a big...
Always ... <t>Nice to see anything connected to Buddy Ryan go down at anytime.</t>
Watch... <t>The safety from Hawaii on film as well. He lays the wood to you.</t>
Get... <t>Ready as the more this moron continues to talk from DC the bigger the bloodbath for the Dems come December. Look at the hell they are...
Why... <t>Should the rants of this idiot surprise anyone. Global warming, lol !!<br/> <br/> Us steps up as usual and Hussein will go on another...
Considering... <t>The problems the ND O-Line has been for years we need all the prospects we can get this year and I look for Kelly and staff to...
Sadly... <t>She is gone from Friday Night Lights so go Derek GO !!</t>
I .... <t>Watched the entire game. Amazing effort by Tenn and the shot by the walkon guard towards the end killed the Kansas comeback.<br/> <br/>...
Bill.... <t>I watched the entire game today and the Gators haul was the talk of the day along with the performance of the 6-5 QB that is supposed...
They ... <t>Wanted Art Briles as they contacted him two days after pulling the plug on the Leach. Art is from West Texas and has one no buyout...
Bill............ <t>As someone that loves college football and has been through Cancer with my great wife and her illness in 2001 this one sent...
To.... <r>Me it is obvious he is getting out before the hammer comes down as there is just to much smoke surrounding to many players. Plus Paul...
KP... <t>That is great stuff and awesome to hear. I'm no fan of Texas but they are used to that type stuff from the ATM in this part of the...
Separate names with a comma.