I'm still waiting for someone to logically explain to me how a player receiving the opportunity for a $100k education including room and board,...
For clarity, my comment was a statement about the status of the NCAA, and not a condemnation or endorsement of the penalties levied against UM.
Probably an unspoken concession by the NCAA that they really have no power anymore, and certainly not over members of the big leagues.
You da man Don!
I'm in no way condoning what went on at NU, but isn't it funny how it's OK to have men in women's thongs and stockings shake their business in a...
Barry Sanders was ridiculous.
Does my heart good to see a whoopin like that put on the Coon-ass kitties. :cool:
Any pitchers? Asking for a friend...
C'mon Wake. Remove those Swamp P@ssies from the winners side! :D
Jumping out of the plane without a chute seems kinds dicey... guess we'll see how they land.
Next year the contract FINALLy expires... Ugh. F that sorry bastard Jerry J for making it last this long!
At least it wasn't for the money!
Here it is: [IMG]
I haven't been able to deduct my donations for a while, but that might be due to the donation allowing me to then buy tickets... Not sure how all...
Stanford punches the last ticket. I'm no fan of Terry's team, but that was a crappy way to lose that game. FWIW... the Aggie outfielders lost some...
Well while I was asleep, the Aggie's season came to an end, falling to Stanford in the final. It was an up and down year, and with our pitching...
I see what you did there... :D
The Aggies did their typical Sunday fold and are forced to play a final game against Stanford tonight to see who advances. :oops:
Dammit man, I so want to. We are starting construction of our "forever" house right now... all my funds are tied up in that, along with my time....
Separate names with a comma.