The more I read about SVB the more I'm amazed at how lacking in banking supervisory experience the leadership had. On top of that, it seems that...
One of the problems that this caused was a possible run on other banks. While most individual investors are insured up to 250,000, SVB had a...
Barney Frank blames crypto panic for his bank's collapse. Elizabeth Warren blames Trump. 'Frank said Sunday that he didn’t think changing the...
Oh and one last thought, when Biden came in he undid everything Trump did. He's been in over 2 yrs. Why didn't he reverse this banking regulation?
It's raining outside. It must be Trumps's fault. Inflation, high interest rates, housing market falling all this is because of the looting of the...
Nothing like the second biggest bank failure in US history to build your confidence in current economic policy.
He's really unflappable. When he has his game, which is often, he's really good. The "young guns" like JT, Jordan, and Rickie are getting old and...
We have to mention Tom Hoge who had to cancel his 2:59 flight out of town yesterday. Not that making that reservation was unreasonable after all...
I played that course years ago with some fellow lawyers from Michigan. The only Teetime we could get was late in the afternoon. By the time we got...
Sounds like one of those she said, he paid suits. Apparently they dated for some time. I'm sure that marrying that money was a dream she had. When...
So you're sayin' it might get just a little bit frosty in the locker room at Augusta this April? I wonder more about fan reaction especially...
There are a lot of variables to golf distance. Altitude, soil composition, grass and moisture are just some. Man could I bust the ball in...
I thought you we're playing in the Palmer Invitational. Don't feel bad, I wasn't invited either.
Stu one of these days you'll have to stop by.
Yes she was. Among other things she had a small jewelry company years ago and used a pin of my dad's as a pattern. What a memory you have Terry.
She's still pretty sharp. This past year she wrote a kids book and had it published. She lives alone in a story colonial. Quit driving 4 yrs. ago...
Should be good weather here for the Palmer. That's good for the Malloys who are flocking to The Villages to celebrate my mother's 100th birthday...
Seems this was a good weekend for ND sports. Besides winning the ACC Women's BB championship, we also won the ACC championships in men's and...
It was call Parisi's if I recall right. It was pretty close to the stadium near the Linebacker. It was in business for a number of years. Not sure...
He could always open a restaurant in town like Digger did.
Separate names with a comma.