Tom if you get the chance check this out when you get a little time, it’s in the area of Chesnee... Pretty Place — YMCA Camp Greenville
Had our weekly conference call today with owners in Italy and California asked about the weather they are experiencing. One guy from Cali said he...
Dave I had hoped the political crap would have possibly moved on, should I roll out the almost Democratic Florida governor picture where he’s...
I don’t understand that call either, I guess it’s working the averages but it missed
My father received his today along with every resident and the staff at his assisted living facility in Lake Placid FL... Hope those who have been...
Lol, get out of here!!
Good luck!
Nothing but best wishes for everyone who wants the vaccination, let’s hope its soon. I’m glad Florida has prioritized those 65 and older as I...
I asked her why and she said both her and several of the nurses are considering having another child or currently are trying and felt there was...
One of my employees wife is a nurse administering vaccinations in the Ft. Myers area. There are 15 nurses in her office along with one doctor and...
‘I’m starting to think these robots maybe our future military, and our future overlords Military Recruiters Worry America's Youth Are Too Fat Or...
‘My hats off to what he’s accomplished, I’ve never heard of anyone winning four state titles. I hope he gets the shot in college to prove his...
Merry Christmas and Peace to you and your families
Maybe Miami will consider seppeku before saying they are not worthy after their NC loss....
Makes me appreciate Gov Desantis even more as we watch the carnage other governors are doing to their state’s....
Your social credit score has taken a hit with such thoughts of freedom, we need to re-educate you.... It is interesting to watch the social...
Surgeon General Jerome Adams says people still need to wear masks after vaccine | Daily Mail Online Surgeon General Jerome Adams says people...
Don’t laugh but the thought has crossed my mind that the Ivermectin dosage I give my bird dogs could possibly be as effective as the new vaccine...
Separate names with a comma.