I love how GOP Senators that are more centrist in their views decide to retire and it is me stirring the pot as to why and the ramifications of...
I'll depart with this article that highlights the new direction of the Republican party away from center and I would like to ask a parting...
Gipper I gave up thinking that facts, truth and honesty would ever again mean anything here on this board as it most certainly does not on...
I need to stop Terry. The election stealing lies, egging on the mob on Jan. 6th and McConnell severely criticizing Trump about it all seems not to...
Terry I guess I'm hoping you guys can make some sense of the madness that was/is Trump but most of the time you only add to it.
So I merely posted links to 5 articles with no additional comments from me in that post about how Trump profited from his presidency and that's...
"Politics at a high level such as Governor of a state or a US Senator typically makes those people ric" I was going to add something similar so I...
"while in office they get paid beans for the responsibility, time, etc that they do...no CEO in America would work for the money the President...
Without the childish name calling all I did was post articles from different sources citing the millions Poor ol Trump made from the presidency so...
Cruz is one of the biggest "Stop the Steal" lie perpetrators in the Senate..... so he invites media criticism from any media other than far...
Cruz is self-serving in many ways.... and his actions and words usually prove it.
Regarding TDS..... lots and lots more people have a hate Trump syndrome and it will devastate the Republican party in future elections: GOP chaos...
I told my son on Jan 3rd that this coming Wed. the 6th should be very interesting and newsworthy.... because Trump was saying it was going to be...
The entire event raises a lot of questions about the security of our nation's government. It may have been a good thing it came to light before a...
I'm not sure if they are ambivalent about his actions..... or protecting him and his family from retribution. I am pretty damn certain he would...
Seriously Gipper? The police were being violently attacked by a huge mob and the intruders were breaking in to the Capitol chamber with intent to...
So there you have it...... explain it to AJ would ya?
"The Left"..... "The Right"...... that's our immense problem in America today. It's not black and white..... all or none. If you were a union...
Don't know how else to put it AJ. Everyone that's not ultra conservative is cut in the same rigid mold. I am more moderate about some things than...
Separate names with a comma.