Glad to be of service :) Since emails are working now it also means people can register for an account here. Feel free to invite some friends...
Checked in on the backend of things and saw email notifications stopped working. Just fixed and should be good to go for a good while. This is...
It’s my pleasure. Love giving a cozy group their own corner of the world. ; ) Ray
That's on me. I was working on the server and it ate a few things. Bad Santa! Ray
Ho ho hoooooo! A Merry Christmas to all! Ray
Fixed the link for you -- just copy the direct URL to the video (not the embed link) and it'll automatically embed the video for you here : )...
I think it’s more due to their version is from 2016 so it is a bit dated. When they upgrade it can be as spiffy as ours. ; ) Ray
Looks like he made it!
Here you can tag members by putting a @ in front of their username. When you do this it'll alert them they were mentioned in a message. For...
Nuttin' from @JO'Co yet... I did reply to his email, maybe someone should check and make sure he got it or needs help? Ray
For a site like this, I don't worry too much about bandwidth. On Gator Country which averages around 60 million page views annually, I generally...
Separate names with a comma.