Ah..as usual el jiffo shows that his knowledge of college football is berift of many of the details. He's no doubt spent too much time watching the Discovery Channel. Red Tide is as we all know is a phenoma that happens when a certain type of algae bloom. The Crimson Tide of course is Alabama!!
I'm sorry Jif, I'm not sure what team goes by "Red Tide", but you are more than welcome to pull for the "Crimson Tide" this afternoon. 8)
Mainly it shows your poor knowledge of modern college football. Did you watch Army/Navy today? Do you know what a Hokie is? :wink:
...and the JIFFER ROLLS ON... :!: or is it the RED TIDE :?: Nobody disputes the knowledge of The JIFFER :!: ( ask Krebsie )
this year without Brady...entire pass defense..and a few others including, but not limited to entire first 4 running backs...indeed they are Patsies :!:
OK, Patsies they become. If you can openly disrespect another team after being corrected, from now on, it is the New England Patsies.
Thats ok with me lol :!: :shock: Do we always have to be so serious on here :?: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
Funny stuff :lol: Don't quote me on this, but from what I read: 1)Alabama: Crimson 2)Arkansas: Cardinal 3)Georgia: Red 4)Ole Miss: Cardinal Red 5)South Carolina: Garnet RTR