Posted below are two articles. One is by Diana Wagman a screenwriter, author and writes some op-ed pieces for the LA Times, she is a liberal and says so. The other one is by a writer for the Town Hall site, a conservative site. The heart of the article is that Wagman met some nice neighbors at her Sierra retreat where they also had a cabin. They were an interracial family, very nice and helpful so Wagman assumed they were Democrats. So they were invited over. During the course of the evening Wagman discovered to her horror they were Tea Party Conservatives. That ended it for Wagman. Here's some quotes from Wagman and some from the other writer with both articles linked below. Wagman Townhall Writer Brian Birdnow Sounds like a fair critique to me. Wagman Article Birdnow Article
That lady has some serious personality disorders. But she captures the essence of the modern American liberal. While preaching endlessly about equality, tolerance, shared sacrifice etc. they are in fact quite the opposite in practice. They are intolerant of any opposing view that is not in complete lockstep with their own. They tend to be self-indulgent and self-centered. If able, they live opulent lifestyles and are derisive to all others. And they go out of their way to be nasty.
A very interesting snapshot of thought by this writer. One thing that stands out to me is I can understand there may be things that are "no-brainers" to each given person. This is life and we all have a different experience package and education that shapes our thoughts and values. But why does it kill this person that her neighbor may disagree with her. The more stable and tolerant of others a person is the more fulfilled and content they have seemed to be in this journey called life.
Pretty much my thoughts. I find the words logical liberal to be an oximoron. Especially where it comes to that woman.