Words with more meaning

Discussion in 'The Back Room' started by IrishCorey, Aug 11, 2009.

  1. IrishCorey

    IrishCorey Well-Known Member

    Jan 20, 2006
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    Hartselle, Alabama
    Today in a Town Hall meeting President Obama said:
    So while Rush and a few others are running off with this as a sign of hypocrisy... I see this as yet another occasion in which the President did not think this answer through before delivering it. It's not a bad answer, and his point is valid, but for an attorney... he sure does leave a lot more questions whenever he opens his mouth than he does by keeping it closed.

    First of all, if you admit the Post Office is broken... then why not fix the Post Office? Why undertake a massive scale operation like government run health care? You can clearly see that there are government run operations that are in need of tending, why open a new store? They are talking about closing 100 post offices. Good God...

    Second of all, if the Post Office effs up, Carson's Christmas presents from JOCO are late... If government backed insurance fails, someone is on a waiting list until they die or go to another country to get medical care.

    Third.... you aren't doing a good job of creating confidence in your government backed health care plan by sticking it in the same bed with the Post Office... which you just admit has continual issues.

    Like many things this President says... on the surface, it all appears benign enough. However, when you look at what he said and give it careful consideration, his words are both frightening and laughable at times.. I thought he was suppose to replace the guy who stuck his foot in his mouth?
  2. gipper

    gipper Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 1999
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    I would have thought by now that we'd all seen the video at this site. It's been around for a while.
    The guy is just a liar. He's lied about earmarks. He's lied about transparency, and he's lying now. The reason why we're seeing ordinary Americans speaking up at these town meetings is that they're catching on to the fact that this guy will say anything to push is agenda. The honeymoon is over and some already want a divorce.