I don't know if any of you guys are tennis fans, but if you are a fan of sport, one of the great matches of all time is currently taking place on NBC....absolutely spectacular drama.
Rain delay - Federer serving 2-2 deuce 5th set. Two great champions going toe-to-toe. Great stuff....
Rafa wins 9-7 in the 5th in an epic. Perhaps the greatest competitive sporting event I've ever witnessed....spectacular play and incredible drama from two great champions....
I picked it up at 3-3 in the 5th, and what a match it must have been. They both played magnificently in the 5th set, you know they are both very physically fit, but Nadal looks more physical and he seemed to be very fast.
Funny you should mention golf JIF. Left watching the tennis to play an emergency 9. Second time I ever remember shooting 3 birds in a row. I'll watch the highlights.
TOK, both of those guys are magnificent athletes....Nadal is a stud. In terms of athletic ability, imo, one of the most gifted in the world of sport today. Great hands and quickness, tremendous speed, agility, vision and he's a beast. The kid is the total package..... Jiffy, sorry you missed it. I truly believe it was one of the best competitive sporting events played at the highest levels that I ever witnessed.
You guys ever heard of this thing? - Mcgladry team championships In any event, I'm playing in it starting tomorrow so Gipper, I'll have a case of whatever you were drinking today! http://teamchamp.pgalinks.com/index.cfm?from=rsmmcgladrey
Haven't heard of this event but it seems like a new twist on the old Oldsmobile Scramble. Golf's such a funny game. I played with Commish on tues. He beat me by 8 strokes. I was terrible and he posted 5 birds. Put the kid on a plane this am. and got in some this pm. Ya never know.
T. No doubt Nadal is probably the most athletic player I have seen in a very long time. BTW, if I ever get to play golf with you I want a lot of strokes!! Hope you do well this week.
HA! You get nothing...I'm a complete hack! Team tourneys are all about picking your partners.....hopefully mine will play well and take me with them to the promise land! 8)
Nice shooting gipper! I have started trying to bowl again after my accident. So far I have averaged 50 points less than I was averaging when I hurt my leg. :cry: :cry: I have made some progress with how I can deliver the ball and expect improvement my next few times out. The tennis match was on at the bowling alley in the 5th set. I couldn't see a lot of it but did see some of the play and the end. Looks like it was a heck of an event to watch.
BT, I played in the McGladry qualifier here a few weeks ago...played last year in the inaugural event as well. Didn't do very well...it's not really set up for mid to high handicaps because you only get 50% of your cap and it's best ball of three. But our pro gets PGA credit for putting it on, and we wanted to support him...you get 6 Titleist balls and a nice duffel bag as well so it pretty much makes up for your entry fee.
Re:McGladry qualifier The weather sucked - pretty much dodged or played through monsoons all day, my game was so-so but the bag was nice. We missed moving on to Pinehurst for the sectionals by a couple shots.....probably the two gimmes I yanked!