The servers this little baby sits on were upgraded and our software here was quite old and it simply stopped working. The server folks hacked away at it to make it work, but they made it clear we will need to update the forum software so I'lll be looking into this when I get a breather. Most likely, I'll be moving this to where the new GC servers are on another host since that's where we are now. I've been holding onto the old server for too long and need to move out from it. Will keep you posted and feel free to chime in! : ) Ray
Thank you Ray! This forum is one of the few sane places in the internet and greatly appreciate all that you do to keep if going.
Thanks Ray. And you folks have it right, Ray, Solari, is one great guy and very generous with us. Thanks Ray.
Thank you, Ray. Like the others, I really appreciate your efforts in keeping this forum going for us.
Well, I can't speak for everybody, but I suddenly found myself confused and alone after trying to log in for 2 straight hours. I put in an emergency call to Doc O'Keefe, and had his staff interupt a root canal just to explain what was going on. So, yes...I think this place is important.
Thank you Ray. You're the lifeline to this brotherhood (and sisterhood) that we have formed here over the years. We can never thank you enough.