White House gun-control agenda

Discussion in 'The Back Room' started by BuckeyeT, Jan 8, 2013.

  1. BuckeyeT

    BuckeyeT Well-Known Member

    Sep 14, 1999
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    Sunday Post article laying out gun-control measures under consideration....

  2. RECcane

    RECcane Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 1999
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    As I read everyone's opinion on the topic of guns I am reminded that we as humans receive the daily news in one form or another and it is "evidently" decided by the media and those watching that Americans all do the same thing. We must all live in an urban or suburban environments because that is what is seen in media, anything other than that is only seen when tornado damage is being shown on TV...

    I attended a small high school in central Florida and graduated in 82. In this rural County with one high school we regularly carried rifles, shotguns to school and at that time had them in the gun rack in the back window for the world to see. The Swat team was never called in to taser us or lock us up, it was quite normal. There was never an incidence involved with guns and it probably never crossed the mind of the administration to be alarmed.

    These guns were an assortment handed down by fathers and grandfathers or maybe something you worked hard for and purchased. Some had 10 round clips and some shotguns had the plugs removed to hold six rounds of buckshot. Still with all this there was never an incident and accepted by the community. Fast forward to today where I find myself back in central Florida where I manage a farming operation of a couple thousand acres. In good conscience I always have a rifle in my truck. It may be to shoot wild hogs destroying our crops, it may be to protect against alligators while employees are working in a drainage culvert. The gun is as common as a screwdriver in my truck its just a tool.

    A few years back when I would pick up my son from high school my wife would freak out because I may have one or up to five guns in my vehicle. Because of the hysteria she was concerned I would be spread eagle in the parking lot accused of planning carnage.What has changed? Is it the guns or the fear of guns? Is it overwhelming media coverage that portrays anyone with a firearm as a devil in waiting...

    We generalize things so easy in our fast pace instant information age without considering its total effect. Because some travesty has occurred and is being blasted into our craniums 24 hours a day. Because some town previously unheard of before had a train wreck all trains must be faulty and the dastardly train track inspectors must be brought before a senate hearing....

    Before I leave my last post on the gun control topic, the local news (yes more media) casually announced that 9,000 Floridians die every year from prescription drugs. I didn't see people mourning in the streets, nor did I see senators lining up for sound bites to stomp out this scourge and get control of this killer of innocents that killed 9,000 people of just one of fifty states... I wonder, I really wonder if maybe certain agendas may be behind the hot topics in what is presented to us by the media.

    No it can't be, why that would make me cynical and unpassionate and uncaring for those around me even though I have never thought of killing anyone. Why I could be labeled a hate monger in danger of some hate crime that has not made it on the books yet...Or maybe it might be the truth....Nahhhhhh
  3. JO'Co

    JO'Co Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 1999
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    Apple Valley, CA
    The National Hammer Association must be held responsible

    Home - by Cardigan - January 18, 2013 - 23:45 America/New_York - 8 Comments

    Run On Guns Has Now Forced Poor Robbers To Stick Up Banks At Hammerpoint

    Has the recent run on guns made it difficult for robbers to be properly outfitted for bank heists?

    A 61-year-old man is facing a federal felony charge in connection with the hammerpoint stickup Wednesday of an Anchorage, Alaska bank, according to an FBI affidavit.

    Investigators allege that Alan Bronson Rice walked into a KeyBank branch and removed a hammer from a small backpack. When Rice placed the tool on the counter at a teller’s window, a KeyBank employee asked “what he was going to do with the hammer.”

    After motioning that he would strike teller Houa Vue with the hammer, Rice announced, “I need your money. Give me your 100s and 50s. I’m gonna hit you with this hammer. Hurry up!” Vue handed Rice $1039 and he exited the bank at 2:40 PM.