What a great (and broke) dad I am...here's what I'm hooking Jr. up with this year....he better play lights out I tell ya.... :wink:
LOL....for the last 4 years he's been playing my old Cleveland CG 4 Tour models... I took him to Omaha 2 weeks ago and got him the custom fit. For the last 4 months we've been demo'ing everything. It came down to the Mizuno MP 59's or the new Cleveland 588 forged CB's. The stats on the launch monitor all pointed to the Clevelands, and he was crushing them, plus he loved the feel...really loved the feel. I held my breath when he was picking out putters....I tried to sell him on the $115 White Hot models...but nooooooo, we just had to get the $350 Titleist....
AJ, no matter what you are saying in your posts, I keep imagining that it's Jennifer talking. What did she say about the new clubs? :lol:
Ok, first Varsity meet of the year yesterday in Grand Island...77 with two (2), count 'em, 2 four putts.... :roll: Tay finished 12th outa 75 kids....not bad....got some work to do though... Last years state champ, from Creighton Prep HS, fired a 66 to take low honors...
I didn't know Holly Sonders could actually play golf, I thought she was just eye candy on the Golf Channel.
I saw that when I looked her up, there was a feature on her on the Yahoo home page. She's going to be on the cover of Golf Digest fitness issue, and she's clearly fit. She had a darn good career at Mich State as well.
Erik Kusulias apparently went for the green in two and was out of bounds. http://bleacherreport.com/articles/1182428-golf-channels-eric-kuselias-out-at-morning-drive
I saw that some place that Erik was/is a serial adulter and that is why he was out at ESPN. I have to say he has great taste in women though, even if he can't have just one!
Districts for state qualifiers went today in Omaha....kid went 39-37 with 2 doubles to post a 76....good for fourth place....now here's the ass kicker for me....the top three score that beat him were: 75, 75, and 75.....goddamned double b's.... Anyway, he made the top ten cut, and now goes to state the 21st-22nd. Great Job Son...Proud of ya...
Ooooh Rah! Sorry I missed your call this weekend...was in Austin for wedding and wedding golf! Short game saved me, couldn't hit a fairway if I was at a driving range!