Congressman Anthony Weiner (D-NY) has been emailing dirty pictures of himself to a college student in Seattle, Washington. At first, he claimed that his Facebook account had been hacked. Now he's hired a lawyer, without calling for an investigation, and he hasn't denied that the photo (of him with an erection) is real. We're having fun now...
I'm getting worked up! This is fun! Der Weiner Boy is connected to the Clinton operation and he's a Jewish guy who is married to a Muslim! Obama attended his wedding. He's planning to run for mayor of NYC and his political crusade is to get Clarence Thomas removed from the Supreme Court. I'm finding ammunition laying all over the place... The damage is spreading. Did you hear the one about Weinie Boy and the porn star?
8) From now on, all supporters of Obama will be known as....drum roll........... Little Anthony and the Imperials...
Anthony(s) Weiner has been on TV all day and his story changes with very interview. One question he refuses to answer is whether that is him in the photo. he now says he is a victim of a prank. Look for a resignation forthcoming. Idiot.
As far as I can tell there's been no FBI investigation. The guess is that he doesn't want to report that someone "hacked" into his account. Filing a false police report is a crime. Rangle and Weiner getting it in less than a year. Nice.
8) Pubic Service Announcement: Here's some tips from the girls on how to avoid a Weiner Twitter photo scandal. Take notes guys, so that it doesn't happen to you!
I don't watch Jon Stewart, how hard did he come down on this? Did Chris Matthews blow a gasket in his condemnation of Weiner?
Andrew Breitbart struck again today. More women are coming forward who saved the "Weiner shot" photos that the Congressman sent to them...
So after lying non stop for almost a week , Der Weiner admits that he sent the photo. This on the heels that he almost certainly sent others. He also said he will NOT resign. Beautiful. Congress is such an assembly of weirdos, deviates and do nothings..... you wouldn't one your typical congressman living on your street. The thought that you have to support someone like Weiner with your tax dollars is unbelievable.
So the guy has sexual relationships on the internet. So he lied about his account being hacked. He's a Democrat so that is expected or even praised. (He was lying to protect his family.)
The guy is an idiot to do that in his position of office. Where we used to live a high school principal was fired for purveying the adult internet at work. Hey....I'm not against the internet but at work when you work at a school??? You're a congressman and you pull those dumbass moves?? Wonders never cease..... :roll: He deserves the boot....
:idea: ...and they're in both parties too. We the voters need to get smarter about the character of the people we put in Congress.
Thank God Weinie Boy didn't resign. We're having too much fun with this. Unfortunately, San Fran Nan has no sense of humor. She's handing Weiner over to the House Ethics Committee, which is where the swamp is drained before elections. The lib/Dems need to appoint a replacement this year, before the elections next year...
Oh and not to say I was right but the reason he didn't report the "hacking" to the FBI is that he didn't want to file a false report.