What's done is done. Bottom line is in 7 years we got nothing but a Capital Bowl One invite as the bragging rights for the season. Scott Frost?....his name has been tossed around....makes sense.....OC for a very good team....has NFL exp.....NE kid.....NC experience....we'll see.
I know another defensive minded coach who can assemble NFL type talent on defense but also finds mind-blowing ways to lose close football games when he appears to have great chances for victory. Call it snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.... Anyway..... he's available.... :wink:
Yes, I knew that already....the point being I think we're the first to do it after the season so far.... I don't know if I'm in agreement of firing someone before the season's over. If I was Muschamp I would have said no, I'm fired, find someone else. I think wait till the seasons over, unless it's really going south, like it did for cutie boy out at USC. You gotta wonder what's going on at Florida, especially with the good deal Urban had.
So do you want a first time HC in Scott Frost? Do you think he's ready? The Sooners rolled the dice with Bob Stoops and he won a NC and played for a few others while tormenting Mack Brown for giggles.
The Gators will be just fine AJ. I don't see the big deal waiting to the end of the season or not. Muschamps parting was handled very well by the Florida Admin and Muschamp himself. It's pretty clear how much everyone at Florida wanted Muschamp to succeed but it just wasn't to be.
Doc, YES...and here's why.... Dr. Tom was 35 when he got the job from the Bobfather.....Frost is 39 Exposed to 2 years of Dr. Tom's philosophy and NU football....also was coached by Bill Walsh at Stanford....so he's not stupid.... And like Tom, both were OC's at the time of hire, granted Tom had more time in place....BUT....he's a NE kid...played for Tom......won a NC.....KNOWS what to expect....runs a fun offense....an offense that Osborne was in the process of morphing to before retirement.....both played in the NFL....exposed to coaching at it's highest level......mentored under Chip Kelly.....he's young, ambitious, and knows what NU fans want.......YES I WANT HIM!!
Dude, the Nebraska players are livid over this. There's a serious backlash over this firing. You even have recruits using social media to show how they threw their scholarship letters/offers in the trash. It appears that no one likes your AD and they all think he's leaving for Wisconsin. He told the kids in a form email...
as I was saying http://www.sbnation.com/college-foo...layers-are-not-pleased-with-bo-pelinis-firing http://deadspin.com/nebraska-players-are-pissed-at-ad-shawn-eichorst-for-fi-1664895016 http://www.cbssports.com/collegefoo...are-upset-with-ad-school-for-firing-bo-pelini This is the thing that worries me about Kelly and ND. I'm not sure that Bo ever truly respected or liked Nebraska. He recruited 'his guys' but didn't seem to recruit the kinda guys that Osborne didn't. I know people say 'this isn't the 90s, the world of college football isn't the same. No one wants to play in the middle of nowhere.' I don't buy that. Half the SEC schools are **** hole towns. They're all getting talent. You sell the facilities, program, town and school in that order these days... Nebraska has enough of everything to get by.. Sounds like no one likes the AD though.
:roll: Oklahoma is in the middle of nowhere. Notre Dame and Arizona are in the middle of nowhere. Oregon is in less than nowhere and Oregon state is 30 miles out in the woods from there... If the Husker players wanted to keep their coach; they should have played better defense. It was time for a change. These guys are the highest paid people in America...making $millions per year. Good intentions and good effort isn't enough. For that kind of dough, they need to produce.
Hugh Freeze is reportedly got a solid offer from Fla and Ole Miss is trying to get an offer together to rival the money that UF is offering.
Yep, Bo seemed to have a way of getting their allegiance, but it was the "US" against everyone attitude that didn't BOde well with most.... They're kids who are upset....just like when they find out about a divorce they didn't know about.....they'll make sense of it and continue on with the mission... Eichorst assumed that most were out of town, and then called a players only meeting last night....they listened to what he had to say, and apparently have not much to say now.....
Yeah I wish I could find that picture of Texas A&M players standing behind Fran to show their support for him in the last days, or the picture of ND players coming out of the tunnel arm in arm with Charlie Weis to show their support for him. Players like the devil they know. Change in coaches means change in their lives, and since at Neb they were winning 9 games a year it's not like those guys were on the short end of all their games. But it's the fans and the big donors that have to be satisfied.
You remember what I'm talking about right? It was during his last year, but I'm not sure exactly when during that year it was to tell you the truth.
The talking heads outside of Nebraska have a common theme now that we're living in fantasy thinking we can get back to the days of old....that we need to grasp the fact that CFB is changing, and that what used to work doesn't anymore......kinda like the 1950's offense against UF in 1995.....
Well I have never been to any SEC towns, but I've never really heard them called "shithole" towns. Most college towns I've been to have some charm to them even South Bend, which many describe as a **** hole town, but if not for the weather I'd live there. Right now Neb is fighting the trend where college players want to play in the sunshine and closer to home. It's harder to get West Coast players off the west coast to the Upper Midwest or Midwest, not impossible but harder. Same thing for East Coast players they have so many more good options that they didn't used to have that again it's tough to get them to go West instead of south to the ACC or SEC. Back in Dr. Tom's hey dey they got a lot of those prop 48 type of players from the East Coast and So.Cal they used to get a fair number of players from Texas. I'm not sure now where their recruiting is focused on but it's just a tough sell to get players from the South to go north when there are now so many good options to stay in the South, Southwest or West.