Man this has taken a long time. Corey always said that the PAC10 typically takes what the NCAA dishes out and doubles it, it will be interesting to see if the Pac10 takes any action beyond the NCAA. Certainly comes at a tough time when they are considering expanding, looking forward to a new TV contract and their top attraction is getting deep sixed (maybe).
What? Your're kidding me? A Gator was the first to break this story? I'da thought I'd seen 80 posts by now.... :lol:
If the preliminary reports are accurate, I say they got off easy. KP is probably wondering if there is any justice with NCAA findings. :evil:
20 scholarships, it's exactly getting off easy. No bowl games for 2 years isn't that big of a deal, it hurts some because the kids look forward to the bowl games. My question is, and it's something that comes up every time we have one of these situations. Is it fair to the current kids and coaching staff who had nothing to do with what went on during the Reggie Bush era to pay the price for Pete and Reggies transgressions? I don't have the answer because I don't know what else to do. You could fine the school a hefty amount, but bosters could make donations to cover that amount and the school wouldn't be hurt. I don't know what the answer is, and maybe the current system is the fairest system.
usc <t>Well, well, well.....if what I'm hearing is true...a 2 year Bowl BAN and 20 scholarships lost then finally, finally, FINALLY the Trojans got what their cheating butts deserve. Finally the NCAA acts like they have some balls! <br/> Too bad Pete jumped ship before this happened. He's responsible for most of it.</t>
That's what the article I posted above says Tim, 2 year bowl ban ad 20 scholarships. I don't know over what period of time the scholarships are lost, probably 5 per year for five years or something like that. It's pretty significant, losing bowl trips and scholarships.
Since Kiffin and Eddie O were part of that staff in 2004 they should be getting some sanctions as well, like not being able to recruit. But it probably won't happen.
Wherever in the world Tom McCord is right now, I'll bet he has a great big grin on his face. This just breaks my pea pickin' heart.
Well it's 10 scholarships a year in 2011, 2012, 2013....that means they'll be down to 55 scholarship players for the 2013 season. That's big time hurt.
Sounds like Willingham would be a good choice for SC. Hell, if he worked his ass off, he might get 55 scholie players in 3 years. :evil: