:roll: Meanwhile, they stocked up on recruits while they were appealing. I won't believe the wicked witch is dead until I see the house laying on top of her...
ND <r>Yeah, they did stock up last year but the max recruits they can take this and next year total is 30(15 each) and still no bowl game this year. <E>8)</E></r>
Tim wrote: I thought that they are supposed to lose 30 scholarships over 3 years, according to an ESPN article dated today written by Arash Markazi. Based on the above, it would seem that the 30 scholarship reduction clock begins ticking after the appeal has been denied. Does anyone here have a different take?
kp, the article I referred to above addresses that topic. Here's the link to the entire article if you care to read it. The part about seniors being eligible to transfer is a little more than halfway down. USC's 2004 Title In Jeopardy?
ND <r>Sid,<br/> <br/> You're right about 30 schollies over three years. My bad. They also have to stay at 75 on scholarships during that time. Loading up on last years recruiting class will help them but it's gonna get rough now. you have to wonder how many of the kids they got last year were told by Kiffin that he was sure they were going to win the appeal. Look for some more transfers. <E>8)</E></r>
The reduction in scholarships (both total and annual) is really disheartening. When Alabama went through this it seemed our first strings were as good or better than most, but after that the drop off in quality was dramatic, and it didn't show up until about the 3rd year into it and it lingered for a couple of years after. :!:
Translation, we are pissed. :lol: :lol: On the other hand, for me, I think it could not happen to a more deserving group.
The part where they say "vehemently disagree" reminds me of the scene from A Few Good Men when Demi Moore says "We strenuously object." :lol:
ND <r>after reading a couple of articles and listening to some sports radio it appears that USC inflicted a little more damage to themselves by taking 30 in their last recruiting class. They must have been convinced they were going to get something on the appeal but NOT so! <br/> <br/> Anyway it looks like the most they recruits they will be able to take in the next couple of classes will be about 10 or 12 at the most. That could go up 1 or 2 depending on transfers, players leaving early etc. Sad huh? <E></E></r>
It seems to me that if they can continue to recruit a high level of player like they have, that while their depth might be down and that will be a problem for them; On the other hand players will see the field sooner, which is always a good thing from a players standpoint. How many times have you read that players want to play right away and consider the depth chart at their position when making their final decisions.
What USC has done is the old 'circle the wagons' approach. They will make this a 'us vs the world' type of mindset in their locker room. Players who leave are, or will be, considered weak links who were never part of the Trojan family. It's not a bad thing. It's just one way of coping with getting caught, I suppose.
You just need all 85 to be able to rotate defensive linemen especially and injuries will be even more important. They should be okay this year but it will show in 2 yrs and the effects will last for about 4 or 5 years. Of course Kiffen has never won any place he has been the HC, so it will be hard to tell.