This article by a Fox Sports writer ( really?? ).... epitomizes what the media likes to do when they get locked on to what they perceive to be a hot topic of scandal and/or criticism of those at the top: Note that in the body of the article video evidence has already surfaced that Hyde did not punch the woman and no charges were expected to be filed. But that is a small line buried in the middle of a nonsensical argument that Meyer "wins at all costs".... yada yada yada. This is a little sensitive to me because last week in the Detroit Free Press when I was up in Michigan I read a similarly skewed article by a daily sportswriter... Drew Sharp.... who compared Meyer's teams at Florida to prisoners at the state pen etc. etc..... ( such inane drivel it was ). Note he said Meyer's teams.... in regard to his writing about one very bad egg Aaron Hernandez.... teams... like in teammate.... like Tim Tebow was to Hernandez.... and Tebow professes still to this day that Meyer is a wonderful guy full of integrity. I'm going with Tebow on this one.