Someone brought Tennessee's mascot Smokey to Gainesville today and the Bull Gator enjoyed an early lunch. Here's one of Smoky's finest moments. Smokey On Gameday May he rest in peace.
lol...that must be an old picture Game Day is at North Dakota State in Fargo this Saturday. I watched a Nat'l Geographic on bird migration from Africa to Europe, they showed Crocs feasting on Wildebeastes at some river crossing they make every year. Huge Crocs taking down some pretty big Smokey would just be a snack! edit: have you seen some of the pictures this fall of the huge Bull Gators that hunters have captured this year in Mississippi? 750Lbs..huge.
Terry, I have seen that picture. Those guys should be put in jail for hurting that poor little ole Gator who was minding his own business.
I can't get these images to open on my note, but here's the link of poor Smokey.