Here's the final Top 10 at the 2002 Bethpage Black Open. Tiger Woods, $1,000,000 67-68-70-72--277 Phil Mickelson, $585,000 70-73-67-70--280 Jeff Maggert, $362,356 69-73-68-72--282 Sergio Garcia, $252,546 68-74-67-74--283 Nick Faldo, $182,882 70-76-66-73--285 Scott Hoch, $182,882 71-75-70-69--285 Billy Mayfair, $182,882 69-74-68-74--285 Tom Byrum, $138,669 72-72-70-72--286 Padraig Harrington, $138,669 70-68-73-75--286 Nick Price, $138,669 72-75-69-70--286 Faldo, Price, Byrum, Mayfair, Hoch, Maggert...doubtful they'll be in the top 10 this time around. I doubt if Phil can make it, his couldn't keep his driver on the fairway at Memphis so unless he can get it under control he might not make the cut. Plus the added stress of his wife's cancer doesn't help. As well as Gay played this weekend, that usually is death to your chances at a major to win the week before. Of course everybody has Tiger at #1, esp if he can drive even close to what he did at Jack's course. Here's a link to the final leader board for 2002. 2002
Did anybody see that Ben Rothesleberger won the US Open Tourney Challenege. He shot a 81 on the Black, beat Michael Jordan and Justin Timberlake who carded in the mid 90's and a guy who won the contest to play in the foursome. He was a 3 handicap at his course and shot a 101. They took 6 hours to play and it will be a 90 minute special. I wonder if Big Ben dating Natalie Gulbis gave him any advantage. She may have coached him on his backswing and follow through!
I understand that this has been a very wet spring so far in the NYC area. If the course is still soft it will be really looooong. If so, perhaps 6-10 guys have a legitimate chance of keeping their scores near par. Look for leaders in overall driving and GIR to have a big advantage this week. Anyone come to mind?
So you're saying I shouldn't put any of the retirement plan on Corey Pavin? BTW:I heard that Tiger uses this! Gyro Swing
Interesting article on Tiger Woods today by Jim Litke of AP titled "While rivals sleep, Tiger works". It gives some real insight into how he outworks his contemporaries in every facet of the game. For example, on this day he had played nine holes, putted for a half hour and was hitting chips from the face of the rough while many of his fellow pros were still in bed.. Check the story out if you can find it. I still think his US Open win with a torn ACL and a fractured leg was the greatest single sports achievement I have ever seen.
......and long also. A whole lot of players that would typically come to mind on other Open style courses are going to be at a huge disadvantage given the course and the wet conditions, e.g., Furyk. I think only big hitters need apply this week. Sergio's head is not in the right place and the New York crowds will make sure it stays there......I just can't see Mickelson - given his situation - playing 4 solid rounds. Harrington maybe, but if Tiger drives it like he did at Jack's place, he'll win by at least 10 shots....seriously. Maybe one of the young guns can step up, but I'm having a hard time seeing anyone hang with Tiger here.....what amI missing? You're joking right????
Here's a nice story about an Indiana kid who just made it into the Open as an alternate and is the youngest player in the field. No kidding! He made it!
Good story. One of Matt's teamates from high school played 4 years on the IU golf team and just graduated. A&M and IU have played in the same tournament several times so I'm sure Matt has met this young man. One of Matt's A&M teammates also will be playing in the Open, Bronson Burgoon. It'll be quite an event for those young men, they (young amateurs) tend to be overwhelmed by the whole scene and don't do very well. But they no doubt still enjoy being a part of something so big.
I read someplace that the last time at Bethpage that the crowds really got on the Sergio, he was still in his grip, regrip, regrip, pause, regrip, regrip...pause...hit the damn ball...regrip phase. They started counting out his regrips, he supposedly gave them the international sign that says he thought they were #1! He doesn't do that anymore so maybe he'll win this time. He was 4th in 2002, maybe with out all that regrip nonsense he'll win!
I remember that as well.....I just don't see the New Yorkers giviing him a break and he's got "rabbit ears". With Monty a no show, after his antics last time, I'm betting Sergio is going to be their new, favorite target and he doesn't have anywhere near the mental discipline to deal with it.....he has no chance.
Did you know that Tiger Woods plays with a 10.5 driver now? He started on tour with a 6.5 but here is what he has to say on the subject. I thought it was interesting his quote on the spin of the ball affecting the loft of the driver. Terry
When he asked me what I thought about his going to 10.5 from 6.5, I told him that there would be some who will call him a wuss, but as long as he wins tournaments, he does not need to worry about the detractors. :lol: :lol:
The weather here usually shows up in the NYC area the following day. If so, there will be no Open tomorrow. We've been hit with heavy rains. That's the last thing some of those pros need at Bethpage. With a "soft" course you want to keep the drive in the air as long as possible. Players with more loft usually have more air time. Lucky Tiger.