At 2:14 and 2:16 this afternoon my son's wife delivered two healthy baby boys. Mother, sons, and Dad all are doing great. This is their second set of twins. Together with his three daughters, they now have 5 kids under 5 years old. Whew!
Second set of twins?????? Sid you're gonna need to tatoo those kids so you can tell them apart in your "doatage" CONGRATS GRAMPS!
Congrats Sid....the thought of 5 children under 5 is more than I can possibly imagine! All hands on deck! Thank goodness for Grandmas and Grandpas!
Wow Congrats to Brian and his wife.... 2 sets of twins .. we have twin nieces and I know they can be a handful.... but 5 kids under the age of 5 Wow......God Bless Them Both
That's wonderful Sid, congratulations to you, them and they whole family. Five kids under five, that is something else. It will either keep them young or age them fast! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Just kidding about the aging. Again, that's wonderful and congratulations to you and your whole family.
Thanks, Diane and Bill. We now understand why young people have children. They will need all the energy they can muster. By the way, if you are wondering why I posted the topic on the sports board and not in the back room, these two guys will be playing sports in the future. Actually, I was too excited to realize where I was posting.
well well <t>Brian Baker the Touchdown Maker has became Brian Baker the Baby Maker.<br/> <br/> Congrats to all, good health and long life to all involved.</t>
:shock: Holy cow! Grandpa will have his own Little League team! Congratz to all Bakers on this wonderful news! ..............JO'Co
Sid, Congratulations! I can not imagine how anyone could keep up with that kind of scheduling? (All preschool) Don
Thanks, fellas. It's darned exciting, especially since everyone is doing well. Corey, I'm going to send your comment to Brian to let him know what great memories the Skyboxers have.
Congratulations Sid. What a nice start to a rainy day here in D.C.! Lots of health and happiness to all of the Bakers.
Congratulations to the whole Baker clan! (we need a "thumbs up" emoticon, boardmeisters). A tip o'me coffee mug to the mother and babies. May they enjoy excellent health and be up and about soon.