Thanks guys, pretty good game also. Here's what it cost for a family of 4 for one game. Bleacher seat tickets = $ 100 Gas to get to game = $ 25 Parking = $12 Mind you, we're not even in the gates yet I went cheap this time....we brought our own water, soda, peanuts and snacks. Here's last night's price list if we would have bought it at Busch. one 20 oz bottle of water = $5 Same size soda = $6.50 Small bag of peanuts = $4.50 Nachos = $7.00 and a 16 oz bottle of Bud light....(drum roll).......$9.00 Fuggin dollars..... I had 4 beers before the game, and we had was hot and muggy at the game, so we went through 6 waters quickly and the 3 soda's Without prior planning, I could have easily dropped $250 for one ballgame Ridiculous.
I can see $9.00 if the beer was a Fosters oil can but yikes if I am paying that for a Bud Light..... Nice picture except for the guy to the left... :wink:
Nice picture, however I count different. I see two not three good looking! I think the kids take after their mother. :wink: Seriously, great night out and times all of you will have wonderful memories for a long time.