My son at FSU just texted me that Sean Taylor was shot and may die.....what a shame to see young super-athletes succumb at such an early stage of their lives. We saw him play.....a man amongst sorrow to all those who never get to see a long and fruitful life with so much talent. A blow to all of football
Ugh. The Sean Taylor news continues to be of the "not good" variety. Redskins running back Clinton Portis answered some questions earlier today on the situation (via the Washington Post's Jason La Canfora): "It's an unfortunate situation. No one really knows the logistics of what happened." Clinton said the players have not been assured that Sean will survive: "I've been told he's lost a lot of blood and he's fighting to hold on." As for Taylor's past, Clinton said "All of that means nothing now that he's fighting for his life." Portis also said the incident is not specific to South Florida: "Its not Miami, it's anywhere. this could happen anywhere. For Sean its just an unfortunate situation" Portis has never been to this specific house, but knows of it's location: "It wasn't a bad neighborhood. It' not a high crime area." Portis said Taylor has made changes in his life the past few years after starting a family: "Ever since he had his child it was like a new Sean." Portis also said: "If he was at the game with us if he was on the flight with us, then he wouldn't be in this situation ... but Sean's a tough guy. Hopefully, he can pull through." Here's hoping Taylor makes a full recovery. One thought: Portis is exactly right when he says Taylor's past has nothing to do with being a victim of a burglary. Being a highly visible, professional athlete worth a couple of million was more likely the case. Either way, it's speculation at this point, and it doesn't change the fact that Taylor's battling for his life. La Canfora also reports that Taylor's father, the chief of police in Florida City, is at the hospital with his son.
Taylor flat-lined twice during surgery. He was unconscious and unresponsive all day but just a bit ago was able to squeeze a Doctor's finger and showed some facial expression.
Now out of a coma. From FoxSports: "Sean was not responding well to blood transfusions and things were going in the wrong direction when totally out of the blue he woke up," the source said. "Anything can happen at any time, but the phrase now being throw around is cautious optimism. Before the guy was slowly passing away. Now, he's slowly getting stronger."
Just heard on the radio he has passed. So very sad. Our thoughts and prayers for his family and friends.
MIAMI (Nov. 27) - Washington Redskins safety Sean Taylor died early Tuesday, a day after he was shot at home. He was 24. Family friend Richard Sharpstein said Taylor's father told him the news around 5:30 a.m. "His father called and said he was with Christ and he cried and thanked me," said Sharpstein, Taylor's former lawyer. "It's a tremendously sad and unnecessary event. He was a wonderful, humble, talented young man, and had a huge life in front of him. Obviously God had other plans." ---------------------------------------------------- Sean Taylor attended my son's highschool for a year before transferring to Gulliver Prep.......his house was near us and we watched him as he blossomed at the had a daughter that turned his life around for the better. Sad news, may you, Sean, be in God's hands
This is really sad news. I thought from the way I read things last night he had a very good chance. I hope they catch whoever did this soon and they pay a very big price. God Bless his family.
... and before anyone jumps on HH for that comment, I second that thought. It is sad when anyone's life is taken like this. I feel for his friends and family. With that said, "you live by the sword, you die by the sword." I would not be surprised in the least that the culprit was a dark shadow from his past. Does that make it right? Emphatically NO! It does however explain why if that is the case.