This is like listening to my dad go over my Christmas lists as a child. It's like listening to my own thoughts reading my son's. It's glorious.
My wife watches the Hallmark channel. Every flippin' commercial break contains a pitch for "Stuffies", big stuffed animals with pockets for kids' stuff. I mention it because the ads show kids thanking Grandma . Every 5th word, it seems, is "Grandma". The maker knows that older people comprise the Hallmark audience, so they are speaking directly to the Grandmas. In fact, they are laying a guilt trip on Grandma by saying in so many words, if you don't buy your grandchild a Stuffie, you're a miserly jerk. :lol:
OMG that KILLED me! The youngest step is a slave to American Girl. I think she has 5 of them. The grandparents buy all that crap, so what can I say? If only they had resale value... we'd be able to retire in a few years!
:roll: LOL! Thank God for women at Christmas time. Only us men think about the resale value of toys...
What do they think Senior Citizens fall for every marketing ploy? Mary said "no" to the Stuffie. She took the money and bought me a HurryCane.
Mike hahaha! My wife has a HurryCane. Great invention. Smart move by Mary to tell the Stuffie to stuff it.