OBAMA 'VACATION WEEK', DAY 1: *Prosecutor Named to Probe CIA Abuses... *White House Panel Warns: Swine Flu May Kill 90,000... *Obama to nominate Bernanke to 2nd term... *President press event in Massachusetts Tuesday...
Yeah, after white water rafting, visiting the Grand Canyon etc. that he had to go through last week, I can see why he needs a vacation.
Does anyone else find it funny that........... Right as it appears the govt backed Healthcare plan is going to die, that the rumbles of a swine flu outbreak start up again? Im really no black helicopter kinda guy, but the timing of this is odd.
These guys are rank amateurs, Corey. The swine flu and the CIA probes by Holder are simply misdirections to get people to focus on something other than the healthcare debacle. I don't think even Obama's harshest critics in the campaign ever envisioned him to be the total babe in the woods that he is.
unless they start a color code on the flu I ain't worried. Now if my "pinstripes" or bucks get hit with it that my friends is a conspiracy!
The "swine flu" never went away. The numbers just decreased most probably because people were outside and not in groups as they are now at schools and soon to be at sporting events. School starting back is predicted to ramp up the numbers. We'll see.
Compliments of a friend that sent it to me: <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/MQ_tAe87ELo&hl=en&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/MQ_tAe87ELo&hl=en&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
Texas Christian (TCU) students haven't been back to school a week yet and thirty are reported with flu like symptoms with 10 of those confirmed H1N1 cases. This being reported by local Fox news in Austin.
Cindy, Lord knows you are the professional here in this subject so I gotta bow to your expertise. I am, admittedly, just talking out of my keester based on perception of things. I just remember the net being all abuzz about Swine Flu... and then... nothing. I didn't know, or hear, of anyone sick. It was as if one day Alabama was about to have more Swine Flu cases than we have Mexicans living in Albertville...and then poof... nada.. not a single story or case... But recently, it seems to be making a come back. It's odd.. You make a good point about people returning to congested and crowded areas again.
My wife is a retired RN, so I'm an interested observer of the nursing profession. It didn't take long in my very enjoyable conversation with Cindy in KC to realize that this gal really knows her "stuff." I guess that's why she oversees a big staff in a medical facility (can't recall the name). It's nice to have a couple of resident medical consultants, including Dr. Stu, on board here in the Skybox.
Cindy just attended a central Texas flu conference in Temple this week. Guys... this could get ugly. Everyone here understands the media. They swarm in on a story and if it becomes too slow to build to a climax, they abandon it. At first, the flu story was selling advertising on the daily news. When the outbreak did not hit pandemic levels, the tent cities of reporters turned into breeding grounds for tumble weeds. You will still hear reports here and there. The media was "tricked" into jumping the gun on the first wave. They will be slow to react on the real thing. Let me assure you of this. Cindy and I have six stacks of N95 masks in the safe. Applied Materials employees traveling overseas are being told to take a supply of N95's with them and use them onboard airplanes even on low level risk flights inside the US. We carry Purell hand sanitizer lotion in our brief cases. Nope... this is not over... not by a long shot.
Corey I totally understand. Right now the flu is still just about as mild as the seasonal flu except it goes person to person a little easier and the incubation period is short. As it mutates and we get back into a time of year where people are indoors in crowds it could start rockin again. The hardest part to control this thing is that you are contagious for 24 hours before you are symptomatic. So before you know you are sick, you've already exposed lots of people. Just my 3 cents worth. Since I'm a nurse I get to put in 3 instead of 2 cents. :roll:
ha! and a valuable 3 cents it is... I know Carson's school district has instituted this crazy new attendance policy in an attempt to eliminate truancy and parents abusing 'sick day' privileges. Interesting enough, it isn't the parents locally complaining about the idiocy of this new strict policy, it is the local medical staffs that are all but guaranteeing the school district that they are going to have dozens, if not a few hundred kids out for more than 10+ days this year. Me? I'm an agent of chaos who loves it when 2 immovable objects collide. This local media battle is getting fun. I'm picking the med staff but never rule out the unionized educators in a street fight.