Lynden Trail is a Yankee fan, you and him must be buds when you down to Fla fishing right? 8) Not sure I believe those are legit photos though.
George, I think that is a picture of him. You might be surprised as to what kind of pictures a lot of these players have on their facebooks which is apparently where that one came from. I don't have any information other than that. That is one article from this guy's blog. He has a number of others and seems to be mostly in the negative vein and more about the Gators. But he takes shots at Alabama, FSU and others also. Here's his homepage for his daily blog if you want to follow him. 13psi Homepage
Yeah, give 'em a break George, they're obviously suffering from flu symptons and not feeling well, note the virus masks? Duhhhh!!!
Terry, from what I understand the pictures of Orr and Trail are them but the other picture is probably not the person listed.
Bill I found a facebook picture of Armando Allen our RB from Fla. This is the kind of kid we recruit for ND.
Hey, Terry I like your photo of Allen, he looks a lot like some guy I've seen on tv. :lol: Here's a couple of pictures of guys the Gators are recruiting.
Rumor is Urban has contacted this potential recruit already. With Bowden out of the picture, he has a good chance.
Hey the kid was just playing by Warsaw rules and it's not like he shot the president. Dadgum I miss Bobby Bowden.