Celtics just SWEPT the WEST in a 4 game run...not even close!! Someone here recently told me " wait till they go out west" The Boston Magic continues onandonandonaandon :!: :!: :!:
4 game sweep out West??? You mean they beat Dallas, San Antonio, Phoenix ???? Wow that would be terriffic....except you didn't even play but one Western Team with a better than .500 record. Seattle, Sacramento and Utah are all at the bottom of the west, congrats on the win over L.A. though that was a good one.
Hey Doc!!! The west can start at the BERKSHIRES if it wants to! Ill take a 25 and 3 start anytime anyplace :!: :!:
If you divide the country East/West...the West starts at the Mississippi River. If you further subdivide the country then things change.
Well here's how the Corps does it....If you live West of the Missasip, they send you to Boot Camp in San Diego, if you live East of it you go to Parris Island, SC. Case Settled.
:shock: The Confederate States were divided east/west by the Mississippi River. For the loyal states, The West begins at New Mexico... re: Marines not case closed Don't all Marine officers do their boot camp at Quantico, Virginia, regardless of where they're from?