The week in review: The Walking Dead Returns

Discussion in 'Sports Board' started by IrishCorey, Oct 13, 2013.

  1. IrishCorey

    IrishCorey Well-Known Member

    Jan 20, 2006
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    -Alabama is the robot assassin of the future. Unemotional, unaffected, undefeated. I don't see anyone (outside of maybe LSU with a bounce or two) taking these guys out in the SEC.

    -Oregon just hammered a very good Washington team at Washington. People will point to the fact that, at times, Oregon didn't play a very good game. I'd like you to hold onto that thought while I repeat, they just hammered a very good Washington team at Washington. They aren't the robot assassin that Alabama is, but they're just as deadly.

    -Clemson. You're gonna go down. I can see it in your eyes.

    -Stanford. HAHAHAHAHA You Godless intellectual underachievers. I found the hypocrisy of the coverage a bit much. The pre-game talk was about how the P12 was this great conference at the top, but it's the middle to bottom teams that are bad which is why the SEC is better. There was no doubt about Stanford being able to beat anyone. Then Utah stops turning the ball over, and viola, they beat Stanford.. that somehow now hurts the conference. Eh, whatever.. the system is a joke.

    -Florida State (see Clemson)

    -Is Mack Brown beating Oklahoma the biggest troll in the past 10 years of football?!? It may be. When those Longhorn fans wake up sober this morning, they're going to realize they may just be stuck with Mack... and that will be a bigger disaster for them. If Stoops wasn't a moron, I'd suggest it was all part of his master plan. Still, congrats to the Horns.

    -Georgia.. Everyone will talk about their injuries. To do so, you're ignoring the fact that Missou's defense really took it to Murray. You can point to skill people who were out, but those guys don't block or tackle. That's where Georgia lost this game. They couldn't cover the Missou WRs and they couldn't pass block effectively against Missou. I'm sure some Florida fans (and others) are confident that they'll beat Missou without Franklin. I'm not so sure you should be. Georgia looked better than everyone in the East, they just got beat at home and don't lose sight of this.. Georgia will now be angry and looking to win out on the season. That's generally not a place you want to play them from..

    -Was A&M's last second win over Ole Miss boring to anyone but me?!? I just had no doubt at all that A&M would get the ball back last, run down the clock and win with a TD/FG..

    -LSU dispatched the Gators in a methodical manner that seems more suited for LSU teams. That Gator pass defense is tough, but how bad is their offense to make that LSU defense look stout?

    -UCLA they beat a Cal team who will probably finish at the bottom of the conference. There was an ejection in this game that changed the scope of it. It will greatly impact UCLA in their next game if there's any suspension. I didn't see it. The kid swore he didn't do it. The people I know at the game didn't see it.. I wonder if it will get reviewed.. Can it?

    -Oklahoma.. what a "Stoops moment." Texas can't stop the run. Naturally, OU tries to throw it everywhere. Texas made them pay... good for those seniors.

    -Spurrier welcomed Bielema to the SEC properly.

    -Georgia Tech found out, just as Texas did before them, that bad things can happen to you when you wander into Mormon country. Doesn't anyone watch Hell on Wheels?

    If you think your season is frustrating, remember that BYU has crushed Texas and Georgia Tech but lost to a God awful Virginia... so keep that in mind.

    -Michigan... Lucky for you guys, we destroyed our own season so I didn't need to root for you anymore on the whole SOS angle. I enjoyed every minute of you pissing that game away to Penn State. As Karma would have it, I actually missed the winning score. For the 1st time in hours, I got up to make dinner and when I turned my back, Penn State scored. Dammit.

    -Northwestern. Well..I'm not sure there's a positive to be taken from that game for anyone except Wisconsin..


    This week really set the table for next week. USC and ND is interesting again, although not really for anything.

    UCLA and a now pissed off Stanford team. This should be brutal. Forget points, let's set the over/under on personal foul penalties right now.

    Washington/Arizona State play a game that is the springboard for one team and the noose for the other. Utah and Arizona play a similar game.

    In the SEC, Georgia.Vandy is now a 'save your season' game. South Carolina is rolling into Knoxville with their chests out. Texas A&M and Auburn have a huge matchup of 5-1 teams that will probably take 6 hours to play.. Amazingly, Missouri can all but wrap up the SEC East with a win over Florida..

    The road to the SEC East title runs thru CoMo... I can't imagine.
  2. Scott88

    Scott88 Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 1999
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    Bama - yep

    Oregon - yep again. Mariota did look human. Still haven't really seen him under "game in doubt" pressure.

    Clempsin - BWAHAHAHA!! I knew you'd be thinking the same thing I was!

    Stanford -
    that's harsh... but I find I can't find any holes in it. :lol:

    FSU - Struggled with off week, but pulled away at the end.

    texas - God I hope they keep him. His style has lost it's gleem. Now all they are left with is "old butter-tooth".

    Georgia - I took Mizzou. Georgie can win a shootout with all that skill talent... but when you run into a team that can also score, and play some decent ball across the board AND you lose your scoring pieces...

    A&M - I wish I could agree, but our kickers have been a bit erratic.
    I knew we'd get a shot when they punted, but was NOT assured of the W when it was clear we were playing for the kick.

    L$U - I was thinking the same thing. Florida still has a pedestrian O, but the new kid doesn't turn it over as much.
    LSU's D can be had.

    UCLA - Only got to see parts of it. The Bruins are good, but won't know how good until this coming week.

    OU - I told Terry the paperclips weren't any good. Bell sux. They would have been better off running the triple option.

    SCAR/Ark - Arky had the game of their lives against us. Seems the wind has left their sails since. TOO BAD!

    GT/BYU - That long TD catch by the Mormon was amazing. A jeckyll and hyde team...

    Mich - that had to be excruciating to lose that game. To allow PSU to score that last TD to force OT was crushing.

    Northwestern - see last year.
  3. Gator Bill

    Gator Bill Well-Known Member Administrator

    Dec 27, 2000
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    Clemson and FSU, you see both of them losing?

    I think that considering the fact that Mizzou lost their QB for the rest of the season they are not going to win the East. S. Carolina might be the favorite for that now. But with their QB what might have been for Mizzou.

    Who do you see in the BCS Championship game.
  4. IrishCorey

    IrishCorey Well-Known Member

    Jan 20, 2006
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    Clemson is Clemson. Florida State went from questionable to 'Godlike' status with their ass kicking of a ranked Maryland. Well, 7 days later we found out that win over Maryland and a buck will get you a cup of coffee. I could see Clemson losing one. I think FSU could lose one, maybe 2 before it's all done going into the bowls.

    I know losing Franklin hurts, but people are not giving Missou the credit for that ass whipping they put on Georgia in the trenches. Scott spelled it out pretty nicely. That Missouri win wasn't an accident, and it wasn't a miracle. We'll see how they fair next against Florida. If they beat the Gators, I can't help but think the East is over.

    I know SCAR might be the sexy pick with a sound thumping of Arkansas (which I'd personally like to thank SOS for), but they haven't really beaten anyone else soundly. They look shaky in every game. They've been finding ways to win, which is a good sign, but they could also fall apart one of these days. If Franklin plays, I'd say the East is over now. Without him, it's still in the air. Hell, it may still be Georgia.

    What may hurt Missou more than anything is their west opponents (Texas A&M and at Ole Miss). Right now, the East just looks like one big coin flip.

    One thing that gets me, is that I thought the hit on Franklin was cheap. Oddly, I think he missed the worst of it. The guy gave it a shoulder shiv at the head, but whiffed. Which brings me to... and Dave will appreciate this.. I watch a lot of SEC football, probably way more than you guys realize and have for years now.

    Weird calls happen at Auburn. Ole Miss isn't the shady death trap it once was but weird calls happen there as well. Still, whenever I watch a game at Georgia I find myself just yelling at the TV which is odd considering I rarely ever care who wins. Pass Interference is a coin flip at best. They routinely get these hugs spots. They converted a 4th down against Missou in which the RB didn't make the tackle's heel, let alone the LOS... and no one seems to whine about it like they do Auburn or Ole Miss. I've wondered why that is, so I am now putting it out their for the SEC guys to fill me in. Do you notice this stuff?

    As for who is in the BCS title game... heck, I've no idea. There's a long way to go at this moment. Most of the SEC fans I know personally seem to think the SEC isn't as good as the rankings/hype would have you believe this year. That goes for Alabama fans as well. The more I watch, the more I'm inclined to believe that but it's so hard to tell. Quite often, they are playing themselves.. or Western Carolina..UCF or an ACC team. The Pac12's motto should be 'no one gets out alive.'

    I still can't see anyone beating Ohio State in the B1G.
  5. George Krebs

    George Krebs Well-Known Member

    Mar 12, 1999
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    I see Alabama v Ohio State.
  6. Motorcity Gator

    Motorcity Gator Well-Known Member

    May 26, 1999
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    Uh.... yeah.

    I don't think Mizzou can score more than 14 on UF without Franklin.... but they could win 14-13 against the Will Muschamp guided Gator offensive offense.

    I do believe Georgia should be beat by UF this year...... but Murray himself could outpoint a Gator offense that will struggle vs. the Dawgs sieve like defense more than any other SEC team has struggled...... 24-23 Dawgs.

    SC will "pound" UF in Columbia 20-14.

    SC will beat a Franklin-less Mo. and since Auburn beats Ga. this year the Gamecocks win the East.

    In Atlanta Spurrier pulls off the feat of his career.... Clowney realizes he needs to play out of his mind to secure his draft position..... and South Carolina wins their first and probably only SEC Championship ever..... clearing the way for Oregon - OSU in the NC game..... which Urban Meyer uses weeks off to scheme his way to an improbable win for the 7 point underdog Buckeyes.

    There now..... season over. :wink:
  7. Gator Bill

    Gator Bill Well-Known Member Administrator

    Dec 27, 2000
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    I see MCG has it all mapped out. Not impossible either.

    Right now Ohio State is 5th in the BCS and needs several teams to lose. FSU and Clemson play this weekend and that will take care of one loss.

    I see LSU as a legitimate threat in the West and they still have Texas A&M and Alabama.
  8. Gator Bill

    Gator Bill Well-Known Member Administrator

    Dec 27, 2000
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    Corey, give me your analysis of Will Muschamp and the Florida Gators.
  9. Gator Bill

    Gator Bill Well-Known Member Administrator

    Dec 27, 2000
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    Make that please. :)
  10. kp

    kp Well-Known Member

    Mar 12, 1999
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    I watched the UGA/UM game closely this weekend since my son-in-law was in town and he is a fan. It appeared that UGA did get a few favorable calls. There was an interference call that didn't look like much, and there was a couple of false starts that didn't get called but they looked pretty obvious. I noticed the same kind of things in the LSU/UF game. I think UGA and LSU were the beneficiaries for most (not all) of the bad calls. I haven't noticed it happening with any pattern though. I think the biggest problem is consistency. It seems that some crews are hyper-sensitive to false starts, and some aren't. Some crews have very tight standards for PI and holding and some don't. I've noticed a little less calling of arcane and seldom called penalties this year. I wonder if excessive celebration calls are down? It seems like it. 8)
  11. IrishCorey

    IrishCorey Well-Known Member

    Jan 20, 2006
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    celebration penalties are down in the SEC because it is October :) Just wait until November when they will randomly, and without warning, return.

    Dave's scenario could play out although I just can't see:
    1) South Carolina being better than 4 teams in the SEC.
    2. Clowney living up to the legend. The bottom line is, it's legend. I've been bitching about this since the bowls. People put all that credit into one hit (that admittedly changed the game). They are waxing over the fact that the OT at Michigan put his ass on skates for 99% of the game and pushed him around the rink. It was one blown coverage call, not his ability, that led him to become "Paul Bunyan" as George so aptly described. I think he can be great. I think he can be a great pro. I don't think people truly, effectively, assessed his ability prior to this season.

    As for my assessment of Florida...

    They have an incredible defense that seems to have major flaws when you make them play base, or 2 way coverage.. meaning, they are devastating in rushing downs or in passing downs. A truly balanced team can move it around on them for a bit, although Muschamp seems to make incredible adjustments.

    The offense relies solely on the superior athleticism of the recruits they brought in to score points. I just don't see any scheme, reason or purpose to what they are doing.

    For example, even though they suck still.. watch Arkansas. You can see what Bielema is doing there. They are going to be a power rushing, jumbo heavy offense that will utilize a few top flight WRs on play action pass. They are trying to do that now, they just can't. Their QB isn't good. They can't throw the ball and that's lucky for some of you as their rushing game looks fantastic at time.. They just lack the people.

    Florida, offensively, is the exact opposite of that. You have all the people and absolutely zero purpose or direction. It's not even like at ND where you can see the system is in place. There's just people not fit for the system running it.. I honestly watch Florida's offense and feel like Charlie Weis is still there collecting a paycheck for doing nothing.

    Muschamp must address this.
  12. Scott88

    Scott88 Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 1999
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    Nobody asked me, but I'll add on to Corey's thoughts.

    UF defense is great...

    I also agree about the offense with one addition: you don't have a good QB.
    If UF was a ground-pounding old school offense that wouldn't matter as much, but that doesn't appear to be what your going for.
    Even with a good system, you have to have a guy who can execute it.
    So you have a bit of a double whammy - no real direction, and no one to overcome that problem with great talent.
  13. Motorcity Gator

    Motorcity Gator Well-Known Member

    May 26, 1999
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    Very good boys on the UF analysis.

    The Gator defense is good enough this year to win the SEC and beyond if the offense wasn't so weakly mundane.

    I agree there is talent on offense being sorely underutilized and undercoached.

    First Weiss.... now Pease.

    I thought Pease could be the answer but now I think the Muschamp handcuffs on the OC are pretty tight.

    If WM doesn't loosen his defensive minded grip on the offense not even the second coming of Tebow will save his job in the long run.

    On my SC prediction..... it's just a hunch on the belief that everybody is right that Bama isn't as strong as normally they are and that Spurrier at some point will win the SEC at SC before he retires.... so it might as well be when the SEC East is his for the taking.

    Now all that said of course I would like to see UF beat Mo. (UF favored by 3)... Georgia ( UF should be favored slightly ) and SC... ( slight underdog )..... polish off Vandy and then play Bama for the title in Atlanta.

    Note.... that scenario above is just my hope..... my prediction is much closer to my other scenario with SC winning the East.
  14. Terry O'Keefe

    Terry O'Keefe Well-Known Member Administrator

    Mar 11, 1999
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    -Alabama is the robot assassin of the future. Unemotional, unaffected, undefeated. I don't see anyone (outside of maybe LSU with a bounce or two) taking these guys out in the SEC.

    They may or may not be as good as last years Team but they have earned the right to be where they are right now. I do believe that by the end of the season they could be as good as last year though. But replacing all those starters on the OL takes a little time.

    -Oregon just hammered a very good Washington team at Washington. People will point to the fact that, at times, Oregon didn't play a very good game. I'd like you to hold onto that thought while I repeat, they just hammered a very good Washington team at Washington. They aren't the robot assassin that Alabama is, but they're just as deadly.

    Very impressed with Oregon Saturday. I think everybody outside of Ohio wants to see Oregon vs Alabama for the title.

    -Clemson. You're gonna go down. I can see it in your eyes.

    Well they have some tough games coming up so they like all teams will need some luck to make it through undefeated. Like you I'll wait till they show me that they can do it before I put them in the category as a BCS contender.

    -Stanford. HAHAHAHAHA You Godless intellectual underachievers. I found the hypocrisy of the coverage a bit much. The pre-game talk was about how the P12 was this great conference at the top, but it's the middle to bottom teams that are bad which is why the SEC is better. There was no doubt about Stanford being able to beat anyone. Then Utah stops turning the ball over, and viola, they beat Stanford.. that somehow now hurts the conference. Eh, whatever.. the system is a joke.

    I was hoping that the Cards would make it to the Oregon game undefeated. I think they are still a very good team, I do think that Kevin Hogan while a good QB is maybe their weak link. Andrew Luck would have closed the deal, also I think Shaw spit the bit in that last series with his play calling.

    -Florida State (see Clemson)

    I think the Semiholes are the real deal, that young QB they have is awesome, I like him better than the Clemson QB who is a Sr.

    -Is Mack Brown beating Oklahoma the biggest troll in the past 10 years of football?!? It may be. When those Longhorn fans wake up sober this morning, they're going to realize they may just be stuck with Mack... and that will be a bigger disaster for them. If Stoops wasn't a moron, I'd suggest it was all part of his master plan. Still, congrats to the Horns.

    I think the Longhorns win out, at worst maybe TCU or Baylor could beat them but from what I saw on Sat I don't fear either of them. I keep hearing that no matter what Mack does, win out and win the Fiesta Bowl this is his last year. I guess he can go out with a parade or kicking and screaming like Bobby Bowden. I hope he chooses the parade.

    -Georgia.. Everyone will talk about their injuries. To do so, you're ignoring the fact that Missou's defense really took it to Murray. You can point to skill people who were out, but those guys don't block or tackle. That's where Georgia lost this game. They couldn't cover the Missou WRs and they couldn't pass block effectively against Missou. I'm sure some Florida fans (and others) are confident that they'll beat Missou without Franklin. I'm not so sure you should be. Georgia looked better than everyone in the East, they just got beat at home and don't lose sight of this.. Georgia will now be angry and looking to win out on the season. That's generally not a place you want to play them from..

    Georgis paid the price for playing a tough schedule, they ran out of gas and players.

    -Was A&M's last second win over Ole Miss boring to anyone but me?!? I just had no doubt at all that A&M would get the ball back last, run down the clock and win with a TD/FG..

    Boring? You're kidding right? That was the best game of the day. It was better than Wash/Oregon and Penn State/UM put together. Anytime you get to see JFF operate it's a ride.

    -LSU dispatched the Gators in a methodical manner that seems more suited for LSU teams. That Gator pass defense is tough, but how bad is their offense to make that LSU defense look stout?

    Gators have not had a good offense since John Brantley went down with Charlie at the OCoord. Muschamp is a popular choice to replace Mack Brown, but I want to know what he's going to do about offense before we hire him.

    -UCLA they beat a Cal team who will probably finish at the bottom of the conference. There was an ejection in this game that changed the scope of it. It will greatly impact UCLA in their next game if there's any suspension. I didn't see it. The kid swore he didn't do it. The people I know at the game didn't see it.. I wonder if it will get reviewed.. Can it?

    Don't know what you are talking about, but if it was targeting then it's reviewed on the spot. If the kid went cheap shot like the Mike Davis hit and he was ejected I think that can be moderated by the conference commish. The B12 commish had the power to suspend Davis even though he wasn't called for anything on the field, so I have to believe that if a kid did something to be ejected that the Pac12 commish could intervene and lighten the sentence if post game films warrant it. But I'm going to assume that instead he'll support the officals on the field if he can.

    -Oklahoma.. what a "Stoops moment." Texas can't stop the run. Naturally, OU tries to throw it everywhere. Texas made them pay... good for those seniors.

    Even though we lost to OU at South Bend I did not think that was a great OU team. Blake Bell had a hard time throwing the ball downfield, he lived off of the short outs all day. We don't have a good defense so I'm not surprised that when he got in a tough game he coughed it up. Also OU defense against us got very lucky with those 2 early turnovers that gave them a cushion and affected our whole game plan. Still we played them even after that and really had a chance to win when Tommy threw his 3rd pick.

    -Spurrier welcomed Bielema to the SEC properly.

    Wait wasn't it just last week you were touting Bielema Ball coming to the SEC?

    -Georgia Tech found out, just as Texas did before them, that bad things can happen to you when you wander into Mormon country. Doesn't anyone watch Hell on Wheels?
    If you think your season is frustrating, remember that BYU has crushed Texas and Georgia Tech but lost to a God awful Virginia... so keep that in mind.

    Everybody likes Paul Johnson, thinks he's a great coach. But I think we are seeing that everybody has the book on his offense now and he has a hard time. It's too methodical, sure works great against bad teams but not against good defenses who have some speed and discipline. BYU is a good defense. I don't look forward to playing them in South Bend later this season. They will be a tough out.

    -Michigan... Lucky for you guys, we destroyed our own season so I didn't need to root for you anymore on the whole SOS angle. I enjoyed every minute of you pissing that game away to Penn State. As Karma would have it, I actually missed the winning score. For the 1st time in hours, I got up to make dinner and when I turned my back, Penn State scored. Dammit.

    Well I guess we got the best of Devin Gardner, lucky us. But UM still could have a good record this year no worse than 9-3 and a bowl game. They have help on the way as Hoke is recruiting like a madman. Including he has a freshman QB who was very highly ranked so competition for Gardner is in the future. After the ND game there were reports that Gardner was going pro after this year because the demand for dual threat QB's was high. But his play since then may mean he'll be back

    -Northwestern. Well..I'm not sure there's a positive to be taken from that game for anyone except Wisconsin..

    As Dave would say, Northwestern is suffering from having to have played a tough emotional game vs Ohio followed by another tough emotional game...SEC style baby!


    This week really set the table for next week. USC and ND is interesting again, although not really for anything.

    Still big to ND/USC fans...the rest of the country not so much

    UCLA and a now pissed off Stanford team. This should be brutal. Forget points, let's set the over/under on personal foul penalties right now.

    UCLA will still be checking out their tans, their tweets, their facebook pages when Stanford steam rolls them coming out of the lockeroom!

    Washington/Arizona State play a game that is the springboard for one team and the noose for the other. Utah and Arizona play a similar game.

    Interesting that ASU rebounded from the ND defeat to hammer a woeful Colorado team, so this game might be 62-60

    In the SEC, Georgia.Vandy is now a 'save your season' game. South Carolina is rolling into Knoxville with their chests out. Texas A&M and Auburn have a huge matchup of 5-1 teams that will probably take 6 hours to play.. Amazingly, Missouri can all but wrap up the SEC East with a win over Florida..

    Slugfest every week from here on out in the SEC. 8 ranked teams

    The road to the SEC East title runs thru CoMo... I can't imagine.

    Doubtful with Maty Mauck as the QB in CoMo.
  15. Motorcity Gator

    Motorcity Gator Well-Known Member

    May 26, 1999
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    Better think twice unless you like defensive slugfests in which your team may come up short 2-4 times a season with regularity.
  16. Gator Bill

    Gator Bill Well-Known Member Administrator

    Dec 27, 2000
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    Enjoy this thread and Corey thanks for the analysis. Only thing I didn't understand was the reference to Weis, he has been gone from Florida two years now, he only coached there one year.

    I still believe in Muschamp, but the Gators need to find some offense. Most Gator fans, including me, think the major problem with the Gator offense is the OL.

    I don't agree about our QB, I think he has come in and done a good job. But if the OL doesn't get the running backs some room and protect him we are heading for a minimum of a 4 loss season.
  17. RECcane

    RECcane Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 1999
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    Bill this is not going to help....

    Jones out for season with torn meniscus

    Matt Jones is out for the season after suffering a torn meniscus in his left knee during the first half of Florida’s 17-6 loss to LSU.

    A disappointing start to the season is now a complete disaster for the sophomore running back, who underwent surgery Monday to repair the damage.
  18. Gator Bill

    Gator Bill Well-Known Member Administrator

    Dec 27, 2000
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    I know Ralph. Pretty soon we are going to have more of our early season starters out with injuries than playing.
  19. IrishCorey

    IrishCorey Well-Known Member

    Jan 20, 2006
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    -The Seminoles: I think they are for real as well. I think they have a freshman QB. Those have a way of blowing up at some point in time. Also, FSU has developed a case of Clemsonitis these past few years. They'll smoke a power, then get dumped by a Wake.

    -Boo hoo about Georgia's schedule. Everyone dismissed Missouri (including me) without giving proper credit to the fact that they played last year without their offensive line due to injuries.

    -No serioulsy, boring. I guess I've come to expect such greatness from JFF that I'm not even remotely surprised if they win when they get the ball last in a 1 possession game. I'm more surprised when they don't.

    -The ejection: The officials ejected a kid for UCLA for throwing a punch. At the time, they didn't show it because they couldn't find it. At the time, the kid was on the sideline losing his mind claiming that was BS. He didn't dispute the personal foul, but he went batsh*t over being penalized for the punch. He left when he was supposed to, but he was livid about it. I found his reaction odd. Normally, when guys do that they will take the dose and leave. He left, but he was arguing with the official from the sideline the entire time.

    -OU: I do believe I was the one who said prior to this game (but after the ND game) that this is the worst Stoops team since the first one. I still believe that.. and they still had no business losing to Texas. :)

    Absolutely. It still is. Arkansas' biggest problem on offense is that they do not have a QB to convert mid-range 3rd downs. They have a great rushing attack. They were gouging that stout Florida defense until the Gators figured out they can't pass. Bielema is coaching them up and doing a good job. He just needs players and that comes in time. Now with all that said, that doesn't begin to account for how big of an asshole I think the guy is. It was lovely to hear Spurrier clocked him, and then took a dig about it being their homecoming. I really couldn't have asked for more. Hatin' Ass Spurrier comes to life.

    -You've been saying that about the guy since he was at Navy, but he keeps on winning with a lot less than other people. Georgia Tech does a good job. I remember when 'football was too advanced' and the defenses too fast for option football. (I believe it was Jeff Ramsey who put that forth to near unanimous agreement in these forums years ago).. And then the read zone option came along.. Now everyone wants to do that. Football is fluid. If Johnson ever got one of those big money recruits that wind up at other programs, he'd be the toughest out on the East coast. As for BYU, Mormom country is tough. Always has been, always will be. That doesn't excuse their underwear though.

    -Re Michigan and Northwester: :D

    -Why does everyone think Missou is/was a 1 man team? Did anyone watch the game against Georgia? You can say Georgia was missing WRs and RBs, but that doesn't excuse the ass whipping in the trenches that UGa took. I'd suggest watching a replay of this game if you guys haven't. That was no accident.
  20. IrishCorey

    IrishCorey Well-Known Member

    Jan 20, 2006
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    Hartselle, Alabama

    You asked why I mentioned Chuckles... That's because this season sorta reminds me of the year with him at the helm of the offense. He didn't give a ****. He was there collecting a paycheck and loading his resume for another coaching gig.

    The end result was that you had talent, but no real direction or plan on offense. Just like this year.