The week in review: Sure, why not?

Discussion in 'Sports Board' started by IrishCorey, Oct 20, 2013.

  1. IrishCorey

    IrishCorey Well-Known Member

    Jan 20, 2006
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    Hartselle, Alabama
    The subtitle of this week stems from the repeated reaction I had to the scores of the college football world yesterday. At some point in time around 7pm, you can't even be surprised. It's just 'Sure, why not?'

    -In my opinion, there is a gap between the top 3 teams in the polls and everyone else. Alabama is turning into the robot murder machine, and no longer disguising themselves. Oregon is just destroying teams. Wazzu didn't "Coug it" they were just bested. Florida State looks scary.

    -Clemson, I knew you had it in you. I think you may have another in you. Clemson didn't belong on the field with FSU. Florida State looks really good.. at the same time, I like to keep the micro and macro in sight at all times. Clemson has looked great one week, sketchy the next. Their signature win was at home in a 3 point squeaker against a team that is now in danger of finishing no better than 4th or 5th in their division.

    -Florida State, like Oregon, is murdering people. Am I going to find myself rooting for both the Canes and the Gators in the same season?!?! I hate the BCS.

    -How in the world did BYU come back to win that game against Houston? The Fresh Princes of Provo keep finding a way.

    -USC and Notre Dame have such illustrious and beautiful histories, so naturally, they once again played an ugly game against one another that will leave one team complaining about it for 10 years.. and that's the team who won, the losers will never forget it.

    -Baylor just keeps smoking people as well. Sooner or later, you guys down in Texas are going to straighten this out, right?

    -Stanford handled UCLA at home in a game every bit as physical as I thought it would be. UCLA is just too young and stupid. UCLA has been winning on talent, but they need more discipline to become an elite team.

    -Speaking of the Pac12, if you look at the standings and can't figure out what is going on.. you're not alone. How is it that Oregon State can lose such a bad game to start the year, yet look so good the rest of the season? Arizona State looks as scary as they do inept at times. The Huskies look El Paso bound.

    -In the SEC, the road to the East runs through CoMo and if Spurrier can't win there next week, this thing is pretty much over. In the West, it's looking like the Iron Bowl will be for a trip to Atlanta. Of course, Tennessee and every team that plays Auburn between now and then may have something to say about that.

    -I want to believe in Ohio State, but it just doesn't seem to be a very good conference this year and they keep winning close.. But they keep winning and you can't ever look past that. If the Pac12North implodes (and it could), the Buckeyes could wind up in it.

    -In the Big12, Texas Tech and Baylor are undefeated with Texas/Oklahoma chasing them. Sort your affairs boys, this is getting silly.

    -Louisville loses and does so on a pre-Saturday stage. The very thing that works for them, now works against them. Everyone saw the horror of their meltdown and they don't play in a conference that will allow them redemption.. so maybe they can play for a BCS bowl slot, but the title is gone.. probably.
  2. WSU1996kesley

    WSU1996kesley Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 1999
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    1a) Alabama has continued to "improve" against lesser competition - Colorado St., Ole Miss, Georgia St., Kentucky, Arkansas. The result could be they truly are on track to be what they were last year, but only games against LSU, Auburn, and maybe Missouri at the end of the year will give anything approaching reasonable competition.

    1b) Oregon is freaky, but they made mistakes that allowed Wazzu to close the gap at half. They have two really good milestone games coming against UCLA and Stanford, both of whom will try to push them around.

    1c) FSU looked very good against Clemson. They still have contests against Miami and a defensive juggernaut if not offensive in Florida.

    1d) Agreed, those are the three that have distinguished themselves early.

    2) I still believe Clemson is really good, but they sure did play bad against FSU. Wow.

    4) Who cares. They took care of another weak undefeated. I would have been happy if they had lost, though, too.

    5a) How did USC not score a point in the second half? With how many red zone trips? They deserved to lose.

    5b) How did ND not score a point in the second half? They deserved to lose.

    6) LOL Baylor, in their only test to date (KSU) almost went down. Otherwise, Wofford, Buffalo, ULM, ISU (even if they did almost beat tu) doesn't support a #8 ranking. Unfortunately, their late schedule isn't much better, but they do at least have ranked and respectable opponents coming up against OU, TT, and OSU.

    7) Shaw must have figured out what UW and Utah took advantage of. Either that, or UCLA couldn't find it. This was a huge win in a very physical game in the trenches.

    8) Isn't that one of Oregon St.'s traditions? Lose the first one in a howler, then go out and screw the rest of the conference. The Huskies could easily go 6-6. I'm hoping that sixth loss comes in the Apple Cup, btw.

    9) Missouri has a two game lead in the East, and the tie-breaker against Georgia and Florida. If it's not over yet, it's only because Missour has shown a history of pulling the defeat card out when everyone believes in them. Even if they lose to SC, they stand a real chance of winning their other four games.

    9+) Two perennial also-rans from the B12 (Missouri and A&M) leave the bevo brood and not only compete respectably, but have real shots at playing for the conference championship in the first two years. This is proof, per ESPN, not only of the superior quality of the conference, but how deep it truly is. Sticking true to form, maybe the SEC can also add Georgia St. and Texas St. to their conference, which should REALLY add to the competitiveness of the conference.

    10) OSU has a real shot at making it into the BSCG. I rank about seven teams above them in quality, but all those teams will end each others seasons and leave the easier schedule as the way in.

    11) I don't know if the B12 or B10 is better, but I don't see any top 5 teams in either conference. Baylor may come out of it (I doubt it) but they at least have to go through three ranked teams.

    12) and then there were 7.
  3. Scott88

    Scott88 Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 1999
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    Did anybody notice how bad-ass Jadaveon Clowney is when he's unblocked?!?!?!

  4. WSU1996kesley

    WSU1996kesley Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 1999
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    LOL That was a hell of a tackle. He did have four solo and one assist, which is his best game this year. Maybe that should be his new Heismann campaign "the best, unblocked".
  5. Terry O'Keefe

    Terry O'Keefe Well-Known Member Administrator

    Mar 11, 1999
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    Kes I see that the Duck DCoord is pissed at your coach for running up the score against his scrubs. LOL, that's fresh isn't it! :)
  6. WSU1996kesley

    WSU1996kesley Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 1999
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    Yeah, I've been talking with Scott about that today. I didn't even realize it was an issue until this morning.

    Here was a quote that pretty much sums up everything from On The Mark:
    As I told Scott, I'm torn two ways on this. Allioti basically said it was ******** we were still passing in the fourth. On one hand, stfu and go home with the W. We have absolutely NO chance at running the clock with our run game (we had two!! Yards rushing on 12 rushes, only four of which were sacks which totaled losses of 22 yards). On the other, why aren't we running the clock? In the fourth quarter, from the play by play, they were still only running 15-20 seconds off per play. LET THE CLOCK RUN AT THAT POINT and get out of the building. On the third hand, Leach has an inexperienced team that needs all the work they can get, so why not take the opportunity to work on things? Our season isn't over yet.
  7. Sid

    Sid Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2002
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    I read about it. I vote for stfu. :lol:
  8. WSU1996kesley

    WSU1996kesley Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 1999
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    Sid for Oregon DC!
  9. IrishCorey

    IrishCorey Well-Known Member

    Jan 20, 2006
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    Hartselle, Alabama
    I've got F bombs for everyone today. :)

    First, the awww f***, that's too bad. Alabama loses Vinnie Sunseri for the rest of the year to a knee injury. That kid is a fantastic player and is quietly one of the leaders on a defense that is always stout. People don't talk about him a lot, but if you listen to an Alabama game, you'll hear his name as much if not more, than anyone on defense. He will be greatly missed. He's also a guy who makes those 'game changing' plays or big hits. Most Tide fans seemed to shake it off. I'm not sure it'll be that easy.

    It is!! And f*** those guys for doing that crap. In this day and age of 'BCS brothers' we need those assholes to do something more against noncon opponents. Bowl wins are nice, but they still don't hide the ugly of getting your ass kicked by the red carpet bandits of western Idaho.

    f*** that guy as well. He had his 'Clowney moment'... but people don't seem to be talking about the real game changing moment when his stupid penalty cut his team off at the kneecap.

    f*ck Nick Aliotti too. He has all those great athletes on defense and all he does is produce ****. He produced **** at UCLA. He produced **** everywhere he's been. He's a fiber factory. It was cute back in the day when Oregon was the up and comer. He really was doing his best with what he had, and that was to create an athletic defense that creates turn overs. Now, he is getting some great talent and that bend but don't break thing is old. If he was the DC for any other team, he'd be fired yesterday. That's how good the offense at Oregon is...

    But my biggest F*** you today is for the NCAA... So, Miami has been begging forever for some sort of closure to their never ending NCAA investigation. The NCAA has thumbed their nose at them. The NCAA has run a corrupt investigation of them. The NCAA for some reason is as tenacious as a cat chasing a laser pointer with Miami, but could hardly give 2 looks to semi-professional operations in the SEC.. Miami suffered through a lot of mediocre seasons with that uncertainty making things worse. Now they are unbeaten and in the top 10, the NCAA announces it will make their ruling Tuesday.

    F*ck you NCAA. You've jerked off more people than a homecoming court princess chasing votes in September.

    Any additional penalty you give Miami at this point in time, should be written off as time served. You pompous, self aggrandizing bunch of plantation owners.

    I never thought I'd see the day that Florida, Florida State and even Notre Dame fans agree that Miami is getting wronged.. How bad is that? Seriously, f*ck those guys..

    I hope Miami's response to the findings, whatever they may be, is just 'no' and I hope the ACC backs them up.
  10. Terry O'Keefe

    Terry O'Keefe Well-Known Member Administrator

    Mar 11, 1999
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    Houston, TX
    So Mrs. Lincoln how did you enjoy the play!! :)
  11. IrishCorey

    IrishCorey Well-Known Member

    Jan 20, 2006
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    Hartselle, Alabama
    The ending was messy and the plot got away at the end.. but not too bad :)
  12. Tennessee Tom

    Tennessee Tom Well-Known Member Administrator

    Mar 11, 1999
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    Hutto Tx
    :lol: :lol: :lol:
  13. RECcane

    RECcane Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 1999
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    Corey I could hug your neck but you gotta leave the F bombs out of our conversation so folks don't get the wrong idea....

    Thumbs up and well said, thanks and F*** the NCAA bastards....
  14. Sid

    Sid Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2002
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    Ralph, for the record, I'm one of those guys who has had no love lost for Miami in the past because - and only because - of Jimmy Johnson. I've done a complete 180 in the past several years, and I agree with Corey.
  15. George Krebs

    George Krebs Well-Known Member

    Mar 12, 1999
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    I don't know, Ralph. I gotta think about it.
  16. JO'Co

    JO'Co Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 1999
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    That's it. Let the hate flow through you. You can feel the power of the Dark Side... I am your father...

  17. RECcane

    RECcane Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 1999
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    And I had you guys nominated for treasurer and vice president of the Liberty City Hurricane fan club, now who are we going to get... 8)

    Hey I get it, Miami teams of old didn't bring out the warm fuzzy feelings of many college football fans. It practically ruined my following of the team with the antics displayed. But just as that was 15-20 years ago and we are a shell of the talent of that era, things have changed with Al Golden.

    This coach is probably the best thing that could have ever happened to Miami and the NCAA looming over his head since his hire 3 years ago should be embarrassing to college football in general.

    I expect the worse to be honest because I feel the NCAA's love for anything associated with Miami is on par with AJ's affection for the team...We'll see...

    JO'Co your use of the force is evil and will be repelled... :)
  18. Gator Bill

    Gator Bill Well-Known Member Administrator

    Dec 27, 2000
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    Well the Gators are not going to lose this weekend. :)

    When we play in two weeks against Georgia the Gator faithful are hoping we are going to see more of Kelvin Taylor, running back, and other changes to the offensive philosophy.

    Time will tell.