If you read the graphic novel, which judging by the age groups here most wouldn't... It's fantastic. If you haven't read it...you will still enjoy this. Just be warned. This isn't the action packed shoot em up adventure. Its a dark, dark journey into the examination of the human mind...and what type of person it takes to wear the costume of super hero.
Got the manual last night, thanks a bunch coach. 1st 2 pages were loaded with good info, well worth my time to proceed reading.
btw-the long trailer for the new Star Trek movie looks awesome. For the first time in my life... I actually can't wait for a Star Trek movie. There, I said it.
The reviews on Watchman are mixed, very violent. I tried reading a graphic novel once, but I really didn't like the format.
AJ, That is a copy of the manual I used at UMD and some other materials I thought you'd find helpful. Terry, I find it funny that some of the Obamafiles have called out the film maker and producers because they feel that the 'message will be lost' since Bush has been defeated.. Talk about people that don't get it. For those who don't know.. The movie/book are set in early to mid 1980s.. Richard Nixon is still President (beating Watergate) and is a modern day FDR type since the US wins the Vietnam War due to interference from the super heroes... To the dipshits, that see the world in Democrat vs Republican... they were geared up for a good old fashioned Republican bashing AND as we have seen in real life recently... they insist on everyone sticking their head in the sand and keeping a positive outlook.. Those same people, including some film critics, feel that such an open, brutal and honest examination of mankind is 'not what we need in these times.' Good Lord, the guy who wrote the damned thing is an admitted anarchist.. AND English. He certainly isn't taking sides in the Donkey vs Elephant argument. Anyway, I'd highly recommend checking it out. The book includes two of my favorite literary characters of all-time.. The Comedian and Rorschach. The movie portrays both of them quite accurately.
I read the graphic novel last year after seeing the first teaser. The claim that Watchmen was "the most celebrated graphic novel of all time" got me thinking BS. After reading it, twice, I gotta say they had some amazing things to say, which seriously had me excited to say how it would translate to film. The movie does an excellent job of bringing the book to the screen, with only a few changes that may or may not have been for the better. Although this movie is not on par with Dark Knight, mainly because not nearly as wide an audience is willing to put in the effort to 'get it', it is definitely a rewarding film with lots of eye candy to boot if you like difficult, complex movies.