As with many tales of great invention and success, there is a back story where people sue each other and other nastiness. But it's earned the inventors a ton of money over the 50 years and still is... I thought the most interesting tidbit was that they tried to sell the product rights to the Univ of Fla for 10K and UF declined. Then they tried to sell it to Stokely Carmichael for 1 million dollars, and they counter offered 25K with a 5K bonus and 5 cents a gallon royalty. So that's what they got. It of course turns out that the 5 cents a gallon royalty is the engine that has earned them 1 billion dollars. Of course hindsight is 20/20 and I'm sure Stokley Carmichael wishes it'd given them the million for everything, and you know UF would like to have had the entire rights for 10k. But everybody has made out pretty well even UF in the end.'s Stokely Van Camp, not the famous Black Panther. Before it was acquired by a conglomerate many years ago, Stokely Van Camp and Gatorade were headquartered in Indianapolis. As for Stokley Carmichael, I don't know what happened to him. (Edit: Oops! I just learned that if I delete a photo from Flickr, it also will be deleted from my Skybox post. I deleted the photo because I was done with it. Oh well. )