The family members of your executives are not safe. Your blood will run through the streets in the coming months. *shakes head*
This is a Tale of Two Cities being re-played. Mob rule on the way. This entire mess leads directly to Obama's doorstep. He created mass hysteria and then puppets and opportunists like Andrew Cuomo jumped in.
When the mess hits my doorstep, I am prepared to clear it off. How many of you can say the same thing? I'll bet that AJ, Stu, and I can handle the situation when this economy plunges so far that the crime rate triples. I hop that doesn't happen but I live by the better safe than sorry principle. I am prepared to drive the "zombies" from my doorstep. Are you?
....sometimes I wonder if the right really wants to see any recovery at all as unfathomable as that may be....on another note the DOW is up 25% in the last 10 days.
I heard someone on TV make the statement that Obama is in the process of willingly taking on more debt than all the previous presidents combined.
I remember post 9-11... hell, I remember post-Bush election... From that moment on, I wondered the same thing about the left as they took the opportunity to capitalize on some really dark tragedies in American history to try to make the entire situation about one man to further their political agenda. I would posit that much of the economic instability and social discord we have in this country today is every bit as much the fault of the left, as it is the right.... yet Now we have one man who is clearly using this internal economic struggle to further a clear agenda attacking particular segments of the American population. This is clearly the very thing that the left ALLEGED Bush to do... but their guy is actually doing it.. And you wonder about the right? Tom, It is not the common man driven by words of others who shows up at your doorstep who is the real danger. The real danger is always the man who creates and stirs the instability who should be punched squarely in the throat.