This guy is living in Lincoln now, and has a side business of pitching clinics. He's working with Chase right now, and I like the drills and attention to detail this guy has. He said he worked down in Texas with the Bulldog while he was in the organization. Plus he said he got a lot of advice from John Wetteland. The price is right also...25 for about 30-40 mins instruction. It took him less than 10 mins to fix Chases change up problems, and had him throwing it much better. The biggest plus is that the Kid really likes him and is very comfortable with the instruction. In talking with him afterwards, I asked him what his most memorable batter he faced, and he said Chipper Jones. He had him 2-2, and had just thrown him a changeup that had him fooled bigtime....but his mistake was not remembering the talk through before the game, you know, about certain hitters tendencies....well the catcher remembered and called anything but another changeup because the book on Chipper was that you never threw the same pitch at him twice in a row.....well Travis shook off the signs 'cause he was still relishing the effects of the pitch he just threw.......Travis said the ball cleared the fence by 30 feet.