I remember Tod Jeffers use to rail against JoePa for sticking around too long and saying that this guy got hosed out of his chance... Perhaps this is why? I don't see this ending well. http://www.pennlive.com/midstate/index.ssf/2011/11/former_penn_state_coach_jerry.html
I was waiting for this... And Tod would often refer to the wall of silence surrounding JoePa. Tod was a guy on the inside of the athletic dept in a media capacity for some time. He wasn't stupid, or blind. I figured there had to be something there. I mean, why lie? Well.. now this... The Penn State Athletic Director facing perjury charges. http://espn.go.com/new-york/story/_...-director-tim-curley-charged-perjury-sex-case
Always a sad situation when people abuse children. When it's people who you have trust in like coaches, scout leaders, teachers, priests, ministers, etc it's even worse. And covering it up just as bad. Pedophile Case
I'm just going to leave this right here.. and from what I can gather, it's real. http://www.amazon.com/Touched-Jerry-Sandusky-Story/dp/1582612706
I thought Ohio State had problems this year, but this is going to be a real problem for Penn State. A number of heads are going to roll before this is all over. Makes our tatoo scandal just a blimp on the horizon.
Well it's worse than I thought. Joe knew about, kicked it upstairs to the AD and then washed his hands of it. Why is Joe not being raked over the coals about this? Sandusky ran one of his football camps up through 2009, when Joe knew about his pedophila back in 2002.
:idea: I'm sure that Tod didn't know anything about this. I knew Tod better than anyone here. We exchanged multiple emails every day for nearly 15 years, and I believe he had his final heart attack while arguing with me over politics. I knew him so well, that I could tell he was upsetting himself, so I tried to calm him down, because I was aware of his heart condition, but it was too late. He sent his final email to me, a picture of Laurel and Hardy walking into the sunset, with no caption, that I supposed represented the two of us to him...then he passed away. Tod hated JoePa and his inner circle with a purple passion and that's saying a lot. Tod was filled with anger at a lot of things and as an uneducated man, he was never quite sure how to deal with his temper and it eventually killed him. Of all his great hatreds, he reserved his greatest wrath for the two people that he had loved the most: Joe Paterno and his ex-wife. He would have done anything to destroy them and I'm sure that if Tod had the slightest hint that JoePa knew about an assistant coach molesting children, he would have broadcast it himself on his radio show. Tod had great blind spots in his thinking, where his preconceived ideas overwhelmed his perceptions. He once sent me a long list of silly doctored pictures, which supposedly "showed" what a pathetic clown George W. Bush was. When I pointed out that all of the pictures had been photo-shopped by Al Jazeera he refused to believe it...even when I pointed out that the Al Jazeera logo appeared on every picture... Tod was the football and wrestling broadcaster at Penn State for 11 years and he knew a lot of things. When JoePa fired him for a comedy skit that Tod wrote making fun of him, it broke his heart. It was the only job he ever really wanted and he was good at it. But knowlege of child molesting? Nope. Tod was pretty good at keeping a secret. I always had to pry things out of him, but something like this... he would have told me or more probably...used against JoePa himself. ........JO'Co
Nah, what I am referring to Tod knowing is that the incredible wall of silence, protection and denial that surrounds JoePa... It's so enormous that it is almost a living, breathing entity.. everyone knows it's there and such things can be abused by people like this guy. Remember after I moved from SoCal and criminal records became digital and entered in proper integrated databases, they did a few pedo roundups and found that a great number of them had been working as umpires (or volunteering as coaches) in the local little leagues for years. Those type of people know weakness, perhaps better than we all do. They recognize it like a predator and move into these pockets. That guy existed under that umbrella for a very long time. You're gonna have to convince me that someone didn't know something about this before he stepped down a hero.
It's being reported now that the GA who witnessed Sandusky having anal sex with a 10yr old boy in the showers is current WR coach Mike McQueary. Must be hard to live with your self when you see something like that and nothing happens. I do wonder why he didn't go into the shower and kick Sandusky's ass and then go to Paterno after taking care of the young boy being violated.
What a disgusting turn of events. Is this to be Paterno's legacy? For Christmas I would like to send Sandusky a pistol with one round. What a sick bastard.