Below is a list of names of all the Pro's on the list for this years Masters. Pick your Top 5 choices, label them 1-5 (For tie breaker purposes) and then after the tourney, I'll tally up the actual $$$ won by your choices and that will be the winner. The Tournament starts on Thursday, so please make your picks by COB Wednesday. Remember, if they don't make the cut on friday, they don't get paid. 1st place prize is a sleeve of WalMart brand golf balls. 2nd is a guest appearence by GIPPER at your home course. 3rd place is a free exam by Doc O'keefe, while he talks about his own game. Here's the list: Aaron, Tommy Allenby, Robert Ames, Stephen Appleby, Stuart Ballesteros, Seve Beem, Rich Bjorn, Thomas Bohn, Jason Brewer, Gay Brown, Olin Bryant, Bart Burke, Jack Cabrera, Angel Calcavecchia, Mark Campbell, Chad Campbell, Michael Casper, Billy Choi, K.J. Cink, Stewart Clark, Tim Clarke, Darren Coody, Charles Couples, Fred Crane, Ben Crenshaw, Ben Curtis, Ben Daly, John DiMarco, Chris Donald, Luke Duval, David Els, Ernie Faldo, Nick Floyd, Raymond Ford, Doug Funk, Fred Furyk, Jim Garcia, Sergio Glover, Lucas Goalby, Bob Goosen, Retief Hamilton, Todd Harrington, Padraig Hensby, Mark Herron, Tim Howell III, Charles Howell, David Immelman, Trevor Jaidee, Thongchai Jimenez, Miguel Angel Jobe, Brandt Johnson, Zach Katayama, Shingo Langer, Bernhard Lehman, Tom Leonard, Justin Levet, Thomas Lonard, Peter Love III, Davis Lyle, Sandy Maruyama, Shigeki Mayfair, Billy McGinley, Paul Mediate, Rocco Micheel, Shaun Mickelson, Phil Mize, Larry Montgomerie, Colin Moore, Ryan Nelson, Byron Nicklaus, Jack O'Hair, Sean O'Hern, Nick O'Meara, Mark Oberholser, Arron Ogilvie, Joe Ogilvy, Geoff Olazabal, Jose Maria Palmer, Arnold Pampling, Rod Perry, Kenny Pettersson, Carl Player, Gary Purdy, Ted Sabbatini, Rory Scott, Adam Singh, Vijay Stadler, Craig Stenson, Henrik Taylor, Vaughn Toms, David Verplank, Scott Watson, Tom Weir, Mike Westwood, Lee Woods, Tiger Woosnam, Ian Zoeller, Fuzzy
Not good Jiffy.....I've seen Trot play several times. I could give him 5 a side and take his last nickel! :lol: Terry
I assume that the guy who started this contest is planning on making some serious picks sometime, right?
YEPPER....I'm just following the practice rounds and handicapping the field. I'll do this monkey Doc, you just help me hold the tail..... :lol:
I haven't even played in 5 years much less watched anyone else play. So, these guesses are as good as any: 1) Rodney Dangerfield 2) Chevy Chase 3) Moe Howard 4) Lou Costello 5) Bud Abbot
Odds to win the Masters. Adam Scott 30-1 Angel Cabrera 100-1 Bart Bryant 125-1 Ben Crane 150-1 Ben Curtis 200-1 Bernhard Langer 125-1 Chad Campbell 35-1 Charles Howell III 100-1 Chris DiMarco 17-1 Colin Montgomerie 125-1 Darren Clarke 50-1 David Duval 150-1 David Howell 75-1 David Toms 20-1 Davis Love III 40-1 Ernie Els 9-1 Fred Couples 60-1 Geoff Ogilvy 75-1 Henrik Stenson 60-1 Jim Furyk 25-1 John Daly 125-1 Jose Maria Olazabal 17-1 Justin Leonard 125-1 KJ Choi 50-1 Lee Westwood 100-1 Luke Donald 14-1 Mark Hensby 125-1 Michael Campbell 100-1 Miguel Angel Jimenez 150-1 Mike Weir 40-1 Padraig Harrington 40-1 Phil Mickelson 6-1 Retief Goosen 12-1 Robert Allenby 100-1 Rod Pampling 125-1 Rory Sabbatini 35-1 Scott Verplank 100-1 Sean OHair 150-1 Sergio Garcia 20-1 Shigeki Maruyama 150-1 Stephen Ames 50-1 Stewart Cink 100-1 Stuart Appleby 50-1 Thomas Bjorn 125-1 Tiger Woods 3-1 Tim Clark 125-1 Tom Lehman 100-1 Vijay Singh 11-1 Zach Johnson 75-1