you don't have to listen, just read the comments on this thread. There are few things better than the Finebaum show just before and just after the Iron Bowl. http://www.everydayshouldbesaturday...nalysis-courtesy-of-the-finebaum-commentariat
I was speculating Sat. night about fast moving entrepreneurs standing on Toomer's Corner selling "Kick..Bama Kick" tee shirts... You have to be a might old to understand what that means though.....
Not here you don't. Small children know 'Punt, Bama, Punt' and all of the other legendary games. Thanksgiving the local ABC channel just showed replays of the last 4 NC games. Personally, my favorite tagline for the game is 'Hey Nick, you gotta second?'
There have been a lot of weird, last second endings to this game over the years for sure. A great rivalry. UGH! :wink: