I had to chuckle when I caught this little snippet from SI's Stewart Mandel's weekend blog.... Not one of my favorite writers, but he did capture a real truism amongst the Buckeye faithful.....we're everywhere, not always drunken, but everywhere nonetheless. It's something I've always told my children, that no matter where you go, the Buckeye Nation will be present. No doubt also true of the several other great institutions, but it's always fun to test. Most recently, my 7 year old son, while hiking a Kilauea lava field on the Big Island, seemingly miles away from the nearest road, we gave a hearty O-H! shout - our answer came back almost instantaneously, "I-O! from a like Buckeye clad island visitor. My favorite, while watching the changing of the guard in front of Buckingham Palace, my 'Nit wife and I had a small wager on whether or not my O-H! would be properly returned......out of the great sea of tourist came multiple "I-O'!"'s. I won.....Great, great stuff. God Bless the Buckeye Nation! Terry
Jiffy, don't waste your time with the Stripehead Brady.....it only works if you know how to spell! :wink: Terry