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I think the Indian float with the smile on his face was prophetic to all the money his people will make in years to come from the bingo and casinos they will own... Friend of mine is married to a Seminole Indian whose tribe owns 98% of the Hard Rock Cafes in the world. Each Indian no matter the age receives $125,000 each every year. He has four wonderful boys his total Indian revenue per year including his wife is $625,000. His wife is 1/2 Irish so their boys will have to marry another Indian to continue receiving the dividends. Her goal in life is to find a worthy Indian woman for all four sons....$$$$$
Happy Thanksgiving to all...in NC with all my kids and grandbabes. It's a little hectic but I'm maintaining my inner peace through all the commotion. Getting to play golf two days with all three of my boys. Doesn't get any better.! Hope all of you have as great a Thanksgiving as I am. I give thanks to God for all of the blessings that he has bestowed upon me.
Here's to all having the family they cherish close to home and the family they don't, unavoidably detained. :wink: Happy Thanksgiving to Skyboxers everywhere.
I'm thankful that the President found to play golf today...... Obama Plays Golf for the 30th Time This Year by KEITH KOFFLER on NOVEMBER 25, 2011, 3:21 PM It is an unseasonably warm 65 degrees in the Washington area, and President Obama has bolted out of the White House to go golfing. It’s his 30th time golfing this year and the 88th golf outing of his presidency.
8) Here is how the Russians celebrate our Thanksgiving. I'm sure that Corey will love this story of searching for Bambi as he relaxes in his hospital bed... <iframe width="640" height="360" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/Mgd0Hsgl8gU?feature=player_embedded" frameborder="0"></iframe>
Ha. I got pissed off and checked myself out after sitting in that damned room for 10 hours. They stopped the bleeding, ran a CT scan, paged my doc and then nada.... 8 hours of nothing. Silly me for having something pop up on Iron Bowl day. Anyway, funny video.. not my thing. That guy almost slapped himself in the head. He's gotta bulk up a bit. I don't hunt with guns. I shoot them. Oddly, the first time we taught Carson to shoot a shot gun, he shot a perfect round of skeet and then retired the Thanksgiving champion 2 years ago. He'd never picked one up before that. I don't think he's picked one up since. He wants to go bow hunting with me but I'm probably not going to let him.
Corey, I have become impatient in similar situations. However, I go to Cindy's ER and she beats me down if I try to get up and leave. Make suer you are not in her ER next time you try this. You just may leave in worse shape than you arrived.
Damn, Tom. I have this image of Cindy just beating the hell out of you on a gurney. She'll probably slap the stupid right out of me if we meet. Take some of the heat off you though. 8)
You guys will believe anything Tom says. You know he stretches the truth. :roll: He is such an impatient patient. :lol: